Soft Touch

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Soft Touch
When attacking an Asleep Condition asleep target, damage done is increased by 12% and the target won't wake up.
Impact Positive
Trigger Target Status Condition Present
Effect Status Condition Preserved & Damage Dealt Increased

Soft Touch is a Status Condition and Damage affecting Trait.


Soft Touch increases the damage the holder does to targets affected by the Asleep ConditionAsleep Condition by 12% and stops the holder from curing them of the Asleep Condition Asleep Condition with any damage-dealing Techniques.


No. Temtem First Trait Second Trait
#012 Tateru.png Tateru Soft Touch Burglar
#032 Houchic.png Houchic Mental Alliance Soft Touch
#079 Hocus.png Hocus Soft Touch Mirroring
#097 Mitty.png Mitty Soft Touch Skull Helmet

Update History[edit]