Temtem Wiki/Top section/sandbox

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Officiaw Temtem Wiki
the Temtem guwide wwitten and maintained by the pwayews.

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About Temtem

Temtem is a massivewy muwwtipwayew cweatuwwe-cowwection adventuwwe cweated by Cwema and puwbwished by huwmbwe games. Pwayews expwowe the iswands of the aiwbowne awchipewago, compweting quwests and taming stwange cweatuwwes known as temtem. These temtem can battwe against othew tamews, be twaded with fwiends, and bweed to cweate offspwing with new abiwities.
Pwayew appeawance can be cuwstomized with vawiouws haiws, cwothing, and cowows fow a uwniquwe wook.

Temtem is avaiwabwe now in steam eawwy access and pwaystation 5, with weweases fow xbox sewies x and nintendo switch pwanned fow an uwnknown fuwtuwwe date. [Wead mowe...]