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Template-info.png Documentation


The ItemInfoTable was specially made for tables displaying location data on Temtem pages. It aims to bring uniformity across similar tables on the wiki, while offering a high level of customization.
It has the same styles and formatting as the ItemInfoBox template.


The main benefits to using this table are as follows:

  • The table auto-formats and auto-links names, locations, and images.
  • While offering uniformity, the column titles, table name, and column widths can be manually set on a need basis.
  • Route remarks/descriptions can easily be added in a uniform way


For basic use

{{ TemtemLocationTable

| RowXRoute =
| RowXIsland = 
| RowXRarity = 
| RowXLevel = 

More columns if needed...

Renaming row names

{{ TemtemLocationTable
| Column1Name =
| Column2Name =
| Column3Name =
| Column4Name =

| RowXRoute =
| RowXRouteDesc = 
| RowXIsland = 
| RowXRarity = 
| RowXLevel = 

More columns if needed...

All parameters

{{ TemtemLocationTable
| BoxTitle =
| collapse =

| Column1Name =
| Column2Name =
| Column3Name =
| Column4Name =

| RowXRoute =
| RowXRouteDesc = 
| RowXIsland = 
| RowXRarity = 
| RowXLevel = 

More columns if needed...


Default: A list of Islands, Routes and Landmarks where you can find TemtemLocationTable
Title of the table. Displays at the top of the table contents.
Optional. When specified, the table's contents will initially appear hidden.
Default: Route/Landmark
Optional. Title of Column 1 content.
Default: Item
Optional. Title of Column 2 content.
Default: Rarity
Optional. Title of Column 3 content.
Default: Level
Optional. Title of Column 4 content.

Note: This table supports X amount of rows, with X being 1-9999.... When creating rows, increase X by 1 for each row. See the example below for more information.

Name of item. This will automatically create a link to the route's article.
Optional More info on where it's located in the route. This will appear under the route name.
Location of item. This will automatically create a link to the island's article.
Rarity of the Temtem in the specified location.
Level range of the Temtem in the specified location.


The below example is taken from the Crystle page.

|Row1Route = Mines of Mictlan
|Row1Island = Tucma
|Row1Rarity = Very Rare (5%)
|Row1Level = 28-30

|Row2Route = Kupeleleza
|Row2Island = Tucma
|Row2Rarity = Very Rare (5%)
|Row2Level = 24-28

Produces: Table below.

Percorso/Punto riferimento Isola Rarità Livello