Hopeless Tonic

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Hopeless Tonic
Hopeless Tonic.png
When there's nothing else to drink... Once per battle, if the Temtem is the last ally standing, gets SPD+2, and gets InvigoratedInvigorated Conditionand Evading Conditionevading for 2 turns.
Category Gear
Subcategory PvP Gear
Usage Equip
Limited Number Yes

Hopeless Tonic is a Gear Item.


When the last Temtem conscious on a team has the Hopeless Tonic, once, gains the Evading ConditionEvading Condition and Invigorated ConditionInvigorated Condition for 2 turns, and gets SPD+2.


Reward from the The Writer's Journey side quest.

Update History[edit]

  • Patch 1.7
    • Previous effects no longer work.
    • When the last Temtem conscious on a team has the Hopeless Tonic, once, gains the Evading ConditionEvading Condition and Invigorated ConditionInvigorated Condition for 2 turns, and gets SPD+2.
    • This gear never really shone since its release, and its description was already way too complicated for us to add any more effects to it. Instead, we decided to completely change its effect while keeping the initial intentions of the gear. Pairing Evasion and the Invigorated status effect, as well as giving +2 SPD to the user, allows it to handle 1 vs 2 situations more easily, while not being a game-breaking gear if the player manages to pull it off.
  • Early Access 0.7.3
    • It now only removes negative Status Conditions when applied.
    • Doom turns 3 ⇒ 4.
  • Alpha 0.2 - Early Access 0.7.2 (Unknown)
    • Introduced
    • When the last Temtem conscious on a team has the Hopeless Tonic, once, it regains full HP, Stamina, loses all previous negative conditions, and then gains the Doomed Condition for 4 turns.