Electric type

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Electric type
Effective against
Ineffective against
Resistant to
Weak to
In the misty hilltops of Cipanku, Electric Temtem were once revered as spirits of lightning. They are restless, hyperkinetic creatures, often jovial but unable to harness their power unless in the hands of an experienced tamer.
~ Kickstarter Update #13[1]

Electric type is one of the types Temtem and their techniques can have. Temtem with the Electric type are predominantly featured on Cipanku.

Type effectiveness[edit]

Electric type techniques are very effective against Wind, Water, Mental, and Digital Temtem, but ineffective against Earth, Nature, Electric, and Crystal Temtem.
Electric type Temtem are resistant to Wind and Electric techniques, while they are weak to Earth and Crystal techniques.

Statistical averages[edit]

These tables show the average stats of all Electric Temtem. Electric Koish and Chromeon are not included.

All Electric Temtem
Fully-evolved only

Electric Temtem[edit]

No. Temtem Type(s) Base Stats
#004 Chromeon (Electric).pngChromeon (Electric) Digital Electric 61 61 66 65 49 85 63 450
#013 Gharunder.pngGharunder Toxic Electric 71 59 49 84 47 47 85 442
#019 Ampling.pngAmpling Electric 51 40 70 35 36 41 42 315
#020 Amphatyr.pngAmphatyr Electric Nature 65 61 110 51 53 66 64 470
#046 0b1.png0b1 Digital Electric 22 38 74 24 32 29 34 253
#047 0b10.png0b10 Digital Electric 67 76 78 52 68 62 71 474
#062 Scarawatt.pngScarawatt Electric 51 41 40 24 50 35 61 302
#063 Scaravolt.pngScaravolt Electric Fire 89 52 44 60 65 62 77 449
#075 Innki.pngInnki Electric Crystal 59 74 80 65 61 65 61 465
#081 Smolzy.pngSmolzy Electric 40 60 65 65 26 22 26 304
#082 Sparzy.pngSparzy Electric 62 78 78 81 45 40 45 429
#083 Golzy.pngGolzy Electric Melee 71 78 82 80 49 40 48 448
#090 Galvanid.pngGalvanid Electric 59 49 46 70 60 50 43 377
#091 Raignet.pngRaignet Electric 75 57 54 81 74 58 57 456
#112 Grumper.pngGrumper Earth Electric 75 55 50 56 75 81 69 461
#113 Ganki.pngGanki Electric Wind 38 46 61 57 38 62 73 375
#114 Gazuma.pngGazuma Electric Wind 54 56 75 68 52 81 91 477
#123 Nessla.pngNessla Water Electric 60 62 66 76 56 79 72 471
#143 Koish (Electric).pngKoish (Electric) Water Electric 57 61 66 76 68 70 58 456
#151 Minox.pngMinox Mental Electric 69 50 60 74 61 35 35 384
#152 Minothor.pngMinothor Mental Electric 80 59 61 86 70 44 49 449
#164 Volgon.pngVolgon Electric 53 45 83 41 59 110 58 449

Electric Techniques[edit]

Name Type Class DMG STA Hold Priority Targeting
Ampere Outburst electric Special 100 26 2 2_Normal Other Team or Ally
Bright Beam electric(+crystal) Special 10 21 1 2_Normal Other Team or Ally
Chain Lightning electric Special 60 15 0 2_Normal Single Target
Charged Iron Filings electric Physical 85 31 1 2_Normal Other Team or Ally
DC Beam electric Special 42 5 0 3_High Single Other Target
Defibrillate electric Physical 80 14 1 2_Normal Single Target
Electric Storm electric Special 85 26 1 2_Normal Other Team or Ally
Electric Stream electric Physical 85 20 0 2_Normal Single Target
Electric Torrent electric Special 95 21 0 2_Normal Single Other Target
Electromagnetism electric Status - 18 1 4_VeryHigh Single Other Target
Electropunch electric(+digital) Physical 100 24 0 1_Low Single Target
Hasty Lunge electric(+nature) Physical 80 20 0 2_Normal Single Other Target
Piezoelectric Blow electric(+earth) Physical 120 31 2 3_High Single Target
Sparkling Bullet electric(+neutral) Physical 60 14 0 2_Normal Single Other Target
Sparks electric Status - 13 0 3_High Single Target
Tesla Prison electric Special 70 19 0 2_Normal Single Other Target
Thunder Strike electric Special 107 26 0 2_Normal Single Target
Turbo Charge electric Status - 24 1 1_Low Single Team
Voltopuncture electric Physical 28 5 0 3_High Single Other Target

Synergy Techniques[edit]

These techniques get a synergy bonus when used with an Electric type partner.

Name Type Class DMG STA Hold Priority Targeting
Earthbreaker earth(+electric) Physical 145 33 2 2_Normal Single Other Target
Gust wind(+electric) Special 55 19 1 3_High Single Other Target
Laundry water(+electric) Physical 100 25 2 2_Normal Single Other Target
Rotten Goo toxic(+electric) Special 82 23 0 1_Low Single Other Target
Wrenching Massage melee(+electric) Physical 92 27 0 1_Low Single Other Target


  • Electric type is represented by the color yellow.
