Postal service
The postal service is a system of daily quests that can be picked up from the post office in the city of Uhuru in Kisiwa. The building is located in the north-western side and has a small envelope icon on the map. Once inside, players can speak to the Post Office Manager and tell her they are looking for a job. She'll assign 1-3 different delivery quests for different NPCs in the world. After completing all of these quests, the player can return to the Post Office Manager to receive some Pansuns and items. No rewards can be received until all delivery quests for the day are completed.
Deliveries are time sensitive and reset daily at 8 am UTC.
If the NPC is a tamer that you can battle, you must battle them first before being able to give them their package. Also if the target NPC is tied to a quest, the quest must be finished first before the delivery can be done.
The map below shows the location of an NPC selected from a dropdown menu. They will appear as a red dot on the map. You can search for an NPC by selecting the dropdown and then typing their name, and it will attempt to autocomplete. The URL in your browser will update when you select a target. If you visit this page through that updated link, it will start with that NPC already selected.
Missing NPCs and other problems should be reported on the talk page or in the wiki channel of the Temtem Discord server. However, first try refreshing the page and see if this makes your NPC appear; we're investigating an issue where sometimes random NPCs aren't added into the list on page load.
JavaScript must be enabled for this map to work. If you do not see a dropdown list below, it probably means you have JavaScript disabled.
Rewards will always include some amount of pansuns based on tamer level, feathers, and other rewards. Reward amounts change with the amount of parcels the player delivered that day. The chance of finding a Sticker increases with the amount of packages to deliver. The full combinations of rewards are as follows:
- 1 parcel: [8-15 * Tamer Level]
, 6-8
, 0-2 Fruit, 0-12 Candies
- 2 parcels: [11-20 * Tamer Level]
, 15-18
, 0-5 Fruits, 0-20 Candies
- 3 parcels: [14-25 * Tamer Level]
, 10-12
, 0-3 Fruits, 0-20 Candies
- 1~3 parcels: 0-1 Temtem Egg with all green SVs (possibly with Egg moves), 0-3 WishYouWell Coins, 0-3 Incubator Tickets, 0-3 Minimonoliths, 0-4 Telomere Hack, 0-4 Telomere Hotfix, 0-4 Learning Aid, 0-3 Smoothie, 0-1 Sticker
Update History[edit]
- Patch 1.8
- Added Stickers to rewards.
- Version 1.0
- Added Feathers to rewards.