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Items are objects that are stored in the Backpack and can be used for a wide variety of applications. Up to 99 of each item may be stored in the backpack. Or in the case of tradeable items, the Temporium Vault as well. Equaling a total of a storage capacity of 198 for most items.


General items cannot be used during combat. It includes items such as Scent or Smoke Bomb, that affect the player and its interaction with the world, as well as items with no in-game uses that can be exchanged for Pansuns. They are consumed when used. Several of these items are available at Temporiums.


Scents are used to reduce the amount of untamed encounters.

Item Effect Buy price Sell price
Scent.pngScent Reduces untamed encounters for a while. 20Pansuns.png 10Pansuns.png
Super Scent.pngSuper Scent Greatly reduces untamed encounters for a while. 150Pansuns.png 75Pansuns.png
Max Scent.pngMax Scent Immensely reduces untamed encounters for a while. 500Pansuns.png 250Pansuns.png


Valuable general items have no use other than selling them.

Item Effect Buy price Sell price
Tiny Crystal.pngTiny Crystal Can be sold at a good price. - 20Pansuns.png
Average Crystal.pngAverage Crystal Can be sold at a good price. - 60Pansuns.png
Huge Crystal.pngHuge Crystal Can be sold at a good price. - 200Pansuns.png
Sea Salt.pngSea Salt Can be sold at a good price. - 300Pansuns.png
Silicon Fragment.pngSilicon Fragment Can be sold at a good price. - 39Pansuns.png
Silicon Shard.pngSilicon Shard Can be sold at a good price. - 299Pansuns.png
Silicon Chunk.pngSilicon Chunk Can be sold at a good price. - 799Pansuns.png

Encounter Rate Boosters[edit]

Encounter Rate Boosters can be used to increase encounter rates for Temtem in the wild.

Item Description Buy price Sell price
Pheromones.pngPheromones Increases encounter rate of a Temtem and its evolutionary line, with increased stats. - 1,000Pansuns.png
Temtem Radar.pngTemtem Radar Spawns radar-tracked Temtem in the overworld with increased stats and Luma chance. VariableFeathers.png VariableFeathers.png
Umbra Radar.pngUmbra Radar Spawns radar-tracked Temtem in the overworld with Umbra chance. VariableLumaDrop.png -


Experience items can be used to temporarily increase the amount of experience Temtem gain during battle. They can't be traded.

Name Description Sell price
Learning Aid.pngLearning Aid Double experience gain for 30 minutes. 1,000Pansuns.png
Learning AidPlus.pngLearning Aid+ Triple experience gain for 60 minutes. 0Pansuns.png


General items that have varying effects that don't fit into any other sub-category.

Item Description Buy price Sell price
Smoke Bomb.pngSmoke Bomb Teleports the Player to the last visited Temporium. 70Pansuns.png 35Pansuns.png
WishYouWell Coin.pngWishYouWell Coin Can be thrown into a Wishing Well for Pansuns and items. - -
Incubator Ticket.pngIncubator Ticket Redeemed at the Breeding Center to instantly hatch a Temtem Egg. - 1,500Pansuns.png
X-Incubator Ticket.pngX-Incubator Ticket Redeemed at the Breeding Center to instantly hatch a Temtem Egg. Increases likelihood of hatching female by 50%. - 1,500Pansuns.png
Y-Incubator Ticket.pngY-Incubator Ticket Redeemed at the Breeding Center to instantly hatch a Temtem Egg. Increases likelihood of hatching male by 50%. - 1,500Pansuns.png
TemRenamingVoucher.pngTem Renaming Voucher This voucher entitles you to renaming a Temtem free of charge at the Neoedo registry. - -
TemSpotter.pngTemSpotter While in battle, wild Temtem with an SV of 49 or 50 will display a special icon. - 1,300Pansuns.png
Spirits' Favor.pngSpirits' Favor Those favored by the ancient powers of Paninsula may enter a lair without paying the cost. - 1,250Pansuns.png
Soulbinder.pngSoulbinder Soulbinder is a single-use item that causes the Temtem it's used on to become Soulbound.pngSoulbound. 1,300Feathers.png -


Capture items can only be used during combat and serve to tame Temtem. It comprises the different varieties of TemCards that are available. They are consumed when used.

Item Effect Capture Bonus Buy price Sell price
TemCard.pngTemCard Allows to capture and tame Temtem. 1.0 15Pansuns.png 7Pansuns.png
TemCardPlus.pngTemCard+ Allows to capture and tame Temtem with an increased catch rate. 1.5 65Pansuns.png 32Pansuns.png
TemCardPlusPlus.pngTemCard++ Allows to capture and tame Temtem with a greatly increased catch rate. 2.5 275Pansuns.png 137Pansuns.png
SaiCard.pngSaiCard Allows to capture and tame Temtem exclusively at Saipark. 2.0 VariablePansuns.png -
TemCardX.pngTemCardX The ultimate generation of TemCard, a wonder of Cipanki tech. This TemCard never misses its target. Guaranteed Capture 600LumaDrop.png -


Medicine items can be used either during or outside battles and affect the status or combat stats of Temtem. They are consumed when used. The main type of medicine is Combat Medicine.

Combat Medicine[edit]

Combat Medicine is used to restore HP, Stamina, and remove Status Conditions. They can also be used during combat, taking up a Temtem's turn. Several of these items are available at Temporiums.

Name Effect Buy price Sell price
Balm.pngBalm Restores 25 HP. 64Pansuns.png 32Pansuns.png
BalmPlus.pngBalm+ Restores 70 HP. 280Pansuns.png 140Pansuns.png
BalmPlusPlus.pngBalm++ Restores 300 HP. 700Pansuns.png 350Pansuns.png
Ether.pngEther Restores 20 STA. 100Pansuns.png 50Pansuns.png
EtherPlus.pngEther+ Restores 40 STA. 300Pansuns.png 150Pansuns.png
EtherPlusPlus.pngEther++ Restores 80 STA. 650Pansuns.png 325Pansuns.png
Tonic.pngTonic Restores 15 HP and 12 STA. 80Pansuns.png 40Pansuns.png
TonicPlus.pngTonic+ Restores 42 HP and 24 STA. 350Pansuns.png 175Pansuns.png
TonicPlusPlus.pngTonic++ Restores 180 HP and 48 STA. - 300Pansuns.png
Revive.pngRevive Revives with 50% HP and 50% STA. 400Pansuns.png 200Pansuns.png
Power Revive.pngPower Revive Revives with 25% HP and 100% STA. 700Pansuns.png 350Pansuns.png
Full Revive.pngFull Revive Revives with 100% HP and 100% STA. 1,400Pansuns.png 700Pansuns.png
Vital Apple.pngVital Apple Restores 25% HP. 150Pansuns.png 75Pansuns.png
Vital Durian.pngVital Durian Restores 50% HP. 350Pansuns.png 175Pansuns.png
Energetic Kiwi.pngEnergetic Kiwi Restores 25% STA. 150Pansuns.png 75Pansuns.png
Energetic Banana.pngEnergetic Banana Restores 50% STA. 250Pansuns.png 125Pansuns.png
Vigorous Loquat.pngVigorous Loquat Restores 40% HP and 40% STA. 400Pansuns.png 200Pansuns.png
Antidote.pngAntidote Heals the Poisoned status condition. 120Pansuns.png 60Pansuns.png
Awakener.pngAwakener Heals the Asleep status condition. 120Pansuns.png 60Pansuns.png
Cooler.pngCooler Heals the Burned status condition. 200Pansuns.png 100Pansuns.png
Heater.pngHeater Heals the Cold and Frozen status conditions. 200Pansuns.png 100Pansuns.png
Untrapper.pngUntrapper Heals the Trapped status condition. 150Pansuns.png 75Pansuns.png
All Healer.pngAll Healer Removes all Status Conditions. 250Pansuns.png 125Pansuns.png
Full Restore.pngFull Restore Restores full HP, STA, and heals all Status Conditions. - 237Pansuns.png


Performance items enhance or decrease the stats of a Temtem, either by manipulating Stats, such as SVs or TVs, through leveling, or through evolution. They are consumed when used. Performance items may not be used during battle.

TV Fruits[edit]

TV Fruits include Enhancer Fruits and Weakener Fruits sold at Mokupuni Fruit Co-op. They are used to increase or decrease a Temtem's TVs by multiple points.

Name Description Buy price Sell price
Enhancer Pineapple.pngEnhancer Pineapple Adds 20 TV to HP. 500Pansuns.png 250Pansuns.png
Enhancer Watermelon.pngEnhancer Watermelon Adds 20 TV to STA. 500Pansuns.png 250Pansuns.png
Enhancer Cherry.pngEnhancer Cherry Adds 20 TV to SPD. 500Pansuns.png 250Pansuns.png
Enhancer Peach.pngEnhancer Peach Adds 20 TV to ATK. 500Pansuns.png 250Pansuns.png
Enhancer Coconut.pngEnhancer Coconut Adds 20 TV to DEF. 500Pansuns.png 250Pansuns.png
Enhancer Mango.pngEnhancer Mango Adds 20 TV to SPATK. 500Pansuns.png 250Pansuns.png
Enhancer Papaya.pngEnhancer Papaya Adds 20 TV to SPDEF. 500Pansuns.png 250Pansuns.png
Enhancer Avocado.pngEnhancer Avocado Adds 50 TV to a random stat below 500. 400Pansuns.png 200Pansuns.png
Weakener Lemon.pngWeakener Lemon Subtracts 20 TV from HP. 350Pansuns.png 175Pansuns.png
Weakener Grapefruit.pngWeakener Grapefruit Subtracts 20 TV from STA. 350Pansuns.png 175Pansuns.png
Weakener Kumquat.pngWeakener Kumquat Subtracts 20 TV from SPD. 350Pansuns.png 175Pansuns.png
Weakener Orange.pngWeakener Orange Subtracts 20 TV from ATK. 350Pansuns.png 175Pansuns.png
Weakener Lime.pngWeakener Lime Subtracts 20 TV from DEF. 350Pansuns.png 175Pansuns.png
Weakener Pomelo.pngWeakener Pomelo Subtracts 20 TV from SPATK. 350Pansuns.png 175Pansuns.png
Weakener Tangerine.pngWeakener Tangerine Subtracts 20 TV from SPDEF. 350Pansuns.png 175Pansuns.png
Weakener Yuzu.pngWeakener Yuzu Subtracts 50 TV from a random stat over 0. 250Pansuns.png 125Pansuns.png

TV Candies[edit]

TV Candies include enhancing and weakening candies sold at FreshFruit Candies. They are used to increase or decrease a Temtem's TVs by a single point at a time.

Name Description Buy price Sell price
E. Pineapple Candy.pngE. Pineapple Candy Adds 1 TV to HP. 50Pansuns.png 25Pansuns.png
E. Watermelon Candy.pngE. Watermelon Candy Adds 1 TV to STA. 50Pansuns.png 25Pansuns.png
E. Cherry Candy.pngE. Cherry Candy Adds 1 TV to SPD. 50Pansuns.png 25Pansuns.png
E. Peach Candy.pngE. Peach Candy Adds 1 TV to ATK. 50Pansuns.png 25Pansuns.png
E. Coconut Candy.pngE. Coconut Candy Adds 1 TV to DEF. 50Pansuns.png 25Pansuns.png
E. Mango Candy.pngE. Mango Candy Adds 1 TV to SPATK. 50Pansuns.png 25Pansuns.png
E. Papaya Candy.pngE. Papaya Candy Adds 1 TV to SPDEF. 50Pansuns.png 25Pansuns.png
W. Lemon Candy.pngW. Lemon Candy Subtracts 1 TV from HP. 35Pansuns.png 17Pansuns.png
W. Grapefruit Candy.pngW. Grapefruit Candy Subtracts 1 TV from STA. 35Pansuns.png 17Pansuns.png
W. Kumquat Candy.pngW. Kumquat Candy Subtracts 1 TV from SPD. 35Pansuns.png 17Pansuns.png
W. Orange Candy.pngW. Orange Candy Subtracts 1 TV from ATK. 35Pansuns.png 17Pansuns.png
W. Lime Candy.pngW. Lime Candy Subtracts 1 TV from DEF. 35Pansuns.png 17Pansuns.png
W. Pomelo Candy.pngW. Pomelo Candy Subtracts 1 TV from SPATK. 35Pansuns.png 17Pansuns.png
W. Tangerine Candy.pngW. Tangerine Candy Subtracts 1 TV from SPDEF. 35Pansuns.png 17Pansuns.png

TV Smoothies[edit]

TV Smoothies include enhancing and weakening smoothies sold at Smeralda's Smoothies. They are used to increase or decrease a Temtem's TVs by 50 points at a time.

Name Description Buy price Sell price
E. Pineapple Smoothie.pngE. Pineapple Smoothie Adds 50 TVs to HP. 900Pansuns.png 450Pansuns.png
E. Watermelon Smoothie.pngE. Watermelon Smoothie Adds 50 TVs to STA. 900Pansuns.png 450Pansuns.png
E. Cherry Smoothie.pngE. Cherry Smoothie Adds 50 TVs to SPD. 900Pansuns.png 450Pansuns.png
E. Peach Smoothie.pngE. Peach Smoothie Adds 50 TVs to ATK. 900Pansuns.png 450Pansuns.png
E. Coconut Smoothie.pngE. Coconut Smoothie Adds 50 TVs to DEF. 900Pansuns.png 450Pansuns.png
E. Mango Smoothie.pngE. Mango Smoothie Adds 50 TVs to SPATK. 900Pansuns.png 450Pansuns.png
E. Papaya Smoothie.pngE. Papaya Smoothie Adds 50 TVs to SPDEF. 900Pansuns.png 450Pansuns.png
W. Lemon Smoothie.pngW. Lemon Smoothie Subtracts 50 TVs from HP. 600Pansuns.png 300Pansuns.png
W. Grapefruit Smoothie.pngW. Grapefruit Smoothie Subtracts 50 TVs from STA. 600Pansuns.png 300Pansuns.png
W. Kumquat Smoothie.pngW. Kumquat Smoothie Subtracts 50 TVs from SPD. 600Pansuns.png 300Pansuns.png
W. Orange Smoothie.pngW. Orange Smoothie Subtracts 50 TVs from ATK. 600Pansuns.png 300Pansuns.png
W. Lime Smoothie.pngW. Lime Smoothie Subtracts 50 TVs from DEF. 600Pansuns.png 300Pansuns.png
W. Pomelo Smoothie.pngW. Pomelo Smoothie Subtracts 50 TVs from SPATK. 600Pansuns.png 300Pansuns.png
W. Tangerine Smoothie.pngW. Tangerine Smoothie Subtracts 50 TVs from SPDEF. 600Pansuns.png 300Pansuns.png

TV Essences[edit]

TV Essences include enhancing and weakening essences sold on Tamer's Paradise. They are used to increase or decrease a Temtem's TVs by 100 points at a time.

Name Description Buy price Sell price
E. Pineapple Essence.pngE. Pineapple Essence Adds 100 TVs to HP. 18Feathers.png 9Feathers.png
E. Watermelon Essence.pngE. Watermelon Essence Adds 100 TVs to STA. 18Feathers.png 9Feathers.png
E. Cherry Essence.pngE. Cherry Essence Adds 100 TVs to SPD. 18Feathers.png 9Feathers.png
E. Peach Essence.pngE. Peach Essence Adds 100 TVs to ATK. 18Feathers.png 9Feathers.png
E. Coconut Essence.pngE. Coconut Essence Adds 100 TVs to DEF. 18Feathers.png 9Feathers.png
E. Mango Essence.pngE. Mango Essence Adds 100 TVs to SPATK. 18Feathers.png 9Feathers.png
E. Papaya Essence.pngE. Papaya Essence Adds 100 TVs to SPDEF. 18Feathers.png 9Feathers.png
W. Lemon Essence.pngW. Lemon Essence Subtracts 100 TVs from HP. 12Feathers.png 6Feathers.png
W. Grapefruit Essence.pngW. Grapefruit Essence Subtracts 100 TVs from STA. 12Feathers.png 6Feathers.png
W. Kumquat Essence.pngW. Kumquat Essence Subtracts 100 TVs from SPD. 12Feathers.png 6Feathers.png
W. Orange Essence.pngW. Orange Essence Subtracts 100 TVs from ATK. 12Feathers.png 6Feathers.png
W. Lime Essence.pngW. Lime Essence Subtracts 100 TVs from DEF. 12Feathers.png 6Feathers.png
W. Pomelo Essence.pngW. Pomelo Essence Subtracts 100 TVs from SPATK. 12Feathers.png 6Feathers.png
W. Tangerine Essence.pngW. Tangerine Essence Subtracts 100 TVs from SPDEF. 12Feathers.png 6Feathers.png

Telomere Hacks[edit]

Telomere Hacks are used to permanently increase a non Luma Temtem's SV by 1, or alter their trait. They also reduce any remaining fertility by 1. Currently, the items have a semi-limited availability as all are available for sale at the Enhancements vendor on Tamer's Paradise using Feathers, but can also found in loot pools, and rewarded via the FreeTem! Organization. They can not be traded or sold to other players, and can only be used on non-Luma Temtem which have the player as Original Tamer or Soulbound. It is important to note that these items can be used when the Temtem has 0 fertility remaining. As such, it is best to utilise your remaining fertility by breeding the Temtem prior to using your Telomere Hacks.

Name Description Buy price Sell price
Telomere Hack - HP.pngTelomere Hack - HP Adds 1 SV to HP. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 30Feathers.png 15Feathers.png
Telomere Hack - STA.pngTelomere Hack - STA Adds 1 SV to STA. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 30Feathers.png 15Feathers.png
Telomere Hack - SPD.pngTelomere Hack - SPD Adds 1 SV to SPD. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 30Feathers.png 15Feathers.png
Telomere Hack - ATK.pngTelomere Hack - ATK Adds 1 SV to ATK. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 30Feathers.png 15Feathers.png
Telomere Hack - DEF.pngTelomere Hack - DEF Adds 1 SV to DEF. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 30Feathers.png 15Feathers.png
Telomere Hack - SPATK.pngTelomere Hack - SPATK Adds 1 SV to SPATK. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 30Feathers.png 15Feathers.png
Telomere Hack - SPDEF.pngTelomere Hack - SPDEF Adds 1 SV to SPDEF. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 30Feathers.png 15Feathers.png
Telomere Hack - Trait Swap.pngTelomere Hack - Trait Swap Swaps the trait of the Temtem it's used on. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 450Feathers.png 225Feathers.png

Telomere Hotfixes[edit]

Telomere Hotfixes are used to permanently increase a Temtem's SV by 1, or alter their trait. They also reduce any remaining fertility by 1. Currently, the items have a semi-limited availability as all are available for sale at the Enhancements vendor on Tamer's Paradise using Feathers, but can also found in loot pools, and rewarded via the FreeTem! Organization. They can not be traded or sold to other players. Unlike Telomere Hacks, Telomere Hotfixes can be applied to Luma Temtems which have the player as Original Tamer or Soulbound, in addition to non-Lumas. It is important to note that these items can be used when the Temtem has 0 fertility remaining. As such, it is best to utilise your remaining fertility by breeding the Temtem prior to using your Telomere Hotfixes.

Name Description Buy price Sell price
Telomere Hotfix - HP.pngTelomere Hotfix - HP Adds 1 SV to HP. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 100Feathers.png 50Feathers.png
Telomere Hotfix - STA.pngTelomere Hotfix - STA Adds 1 SV to STA. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 100Feathers.png 50Feathers.png
Telomere Hotfix - SPD.pngTelomere Hotfix - SPD Adds 1 SV to SPD. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 100Feathers.png 50Feathers.png
Telomere Hotfix - ATK.pngTelomere Hotfix - ATK Adds 1 SV to ATK. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 100Feathers.png 50Feathers.png
Telomere Hotfix - DEF.pngTelomere Hotfix - DEF Adds 1 SV to DEF. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 100Feathers.png 50Feathers.png
Telomere Hotfix - SPATK.pngTelomere Hotfix - SPATK Adds 1 SV to SPATK. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 100Feathers.png 50Feathers.png
Telomere Hotfix - SPDEF.pngTelomere Hotfix - SPDEF Adds 1 SV to SPDEF. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 100Feathers.png 50Feathers.png
Telomere Hotfix - Trait Swap.pngTelomere Hotfix - Trait Swap Swaps the trait of the Temtem it's used on. Reduces remaining fertility by 1. 900Feathers.png 450Feathers.png

Telomere Bugs[edit]

Telomere Bugs are used to permanently decrease a Temtem's SV by 1. Unlike Telomere Hacks and Hotfixes, they do not reduce remaining fertility by 1. Currently, the items have limited availability, only being sold by the Enhancements vendor on Tamer's Paradise. They can not be traded or sold. Unlike Telomere Hacks, Telomere Bugs can be applied to Luma Temtems which have the player as Original Tamer or Soulbound, in addition to non-Lumas. It is important to note that these items can be used when the Temtem has 0 fertility remaining.

Name Description Buy price Sell price
Telomere Bug - HP.pngTelomere Bug - HP Subtracts 1 SV to HP. 50Feathers.png 25Feathers.png
Telomere Bug - STA.pngTelomere Bug - STA Subtracts 1 SV to STA. 50Feathers.png 25Feathers.png
Telomere Bug - SPD.pngTelomere Bug - SPD Subtracts 1 SV to SPD. 50Feathers.png 25Feathers.png
Telomere Bug - ATK.pngTelomere Bug - ATK Subtracts 1 SV to ATK. 50Feathers.png 25Feathers.png
Telomere Bug - DEF.pngTelomere Bug - DEF Subtracts 1 SV to DEF. 50Feathers.png 25Feathers.png
Telomere Bug - SPATK.pngTelomere Bug - SPATK Subtracts 1 SV to SPATK. 50Feathers.png 25Feathers.png
Telomere Bug - SPDEF.pngTelomere Bug - SPDEF Subtracts 1 SV to SPDEF. 50Feathers.png 25Feathers.png


Level items can be used to permanently increase a Temtem's level. They can't be traded and only applies to Temtem which have the player as Original Tamer.

Name Description Sell price
Growth Enhancer.pngGrowth Enhancer Increase a Temtem's level by 1. 1,500Pansuns.png
Growth Enhancer+.pngGrowth Enhancer+ Increase a Temtem's level by 10. Not sellable


Evolution items can be used to instantly evolve a Temtem.

Name Description Sell price
Minimonolith.pngMinimonolith Instantly evolve any Temtem that evolves through leveling. 1,250Pansuns.png


Gear items can be equipped to a Temtem for varying effects. Distinctions can be made between PvE gear, PvP gear, TV gear, and breeding gear.

PvE Gear[edit]

This class of gear affects combat in ways not directly related to the fighting itself.

Name Description Source
Coward's Cloak.pngCoward's Cloak Allows the holding Temtem to gain experience and TV from combat without taking part. Northern spiral part of Sillaro River accessible through Windward Fort.

(Map Link)

Decoy.pngDecoy Increases the chance of running away from untamed Temtem to 100%. Missing Kids side quest
Four-leaf Clover.pngFour-Leaf Clover Increases the catch-rate when capturing untamed Temtem. Aguamarina Caves, past the crystal maze.
Ignoramus' Cloak.pngIgnoramus' Cloak Contrarian incogno-cloak that prevents the Temtem holding it from gaining experience or TVs from battle. 1x The Hunt for Captain Malika side quest.
1x Pansun Outer Crust, pick-up item in Eastern section.
Lure.pngLure Untamed Temtem are forced to target the bearer. Travel Writer side quest
Squeezer.pngSqueezer Healing items used in battle restore an additional 70% HP. Find Kemal main quest

PvP Gear[edit]

PvP Gear primarily focused on battling NPCs and other players.

Name Description Source
Cable Link.pngCable Link Stronger together never made so much sense! When an ally or the Temtem attack with a synergy technique, allies restore 10% of max STA. Get at least a score of 7700 in Innkball at the Arcade Bar.
Fire Chip.pngFire Chip Damage dealt with Fire-type techniques is increased by 10%. Defeating a Lab Assistant within the Anak Volcano.
Hand Fan.pngHand Fan Damage dealt with Wind-type techniques is increased by 10%. Travel Writer side quest
Haz'trap.pngHaz'trap Maybe you should consider not carrying this around... When knocked-out. the attacker gets Trapped ConditionTrapped for 2 turns. Get at least a score of 8000 in Gharunner at the Arcade Bar.
Lightning Rod.pngLightning Rod Damage taken from Electric-type techniques is reduced by 20%. Blueprint Delivery side quest
Pansunscreen.pngPansunscreen Damage taken from Fire-type techniques is reduced by 10% and prevents the Burned Condition Burned status condition. Nanga Dojo
Pillow.pngPillow Restores 15% max HP when getting Asleep Condition Asleep condition. Paparazzo side quest
Power Bank.pngPower Bank A well-charged inner battery goes a very long way. Offensive Hold techniques deal 6.5% more damage per hold. Get at least a score of 7000 in Project Temcard at the Arcade Bar.
Talisman.pngTalisman Prevents the Doomed Condition Doomed status condition. Rooftop of Windward Fort after defeating Lady Lottie.
Umbrella.pngUmbrella Damage taken from Water-type techniques is reduced by 20%. Tourist Guide side quest
Ice Cube.pngIce Cube Damage taken from Fire-type techniques is reduced by 20%. Left lava pool in the Mokupuni Dojo
Energy Drink.pngEnergy Drink Prevents the Asleep Condition Asleep status condition. Find Kemal main quest
Rock Shield.pngRock Shield Damage taken from Crystal-type techniques is reduced by 20%. Find Kemal main quest
Sweatband.pngSweatband At the start of the turn, restores 5 points of stamina. Cultist Hunt side quest
Tucma Mask.pngTucma Mask Damage taken from Toxic-type techniques is reduced by 8% and decreases the duration of the Poisoned Condition poison by 1 turn. Given by Naolin after first meeting him.
Snare.pngSnare When attacked, disables the attacker's gear. Blueprint Delivery side quest
Chamomile.pngChamomile When entering the battlefield, the holder gets the Immune Condition Immune for 2 turns, and all its stage changes are removed. Wreck of the Narwhal
Grease.pngGrease Prevents the Trapped Condition Trapped status condition. Wreck of the Narwhal
Shuine's Horn.pngShuine's Horn Changes the Temtem's Toxic-type techniques to Water-type. Beached Narwhal main quest
Coat.pngCoat Damage taken from Wind-type techniques is reduced by 20%. Travel Writer side quest
Resistance Badge.pngResistance Badge Damage dealt with Neutral-type techniques is increased by 15%. Reward from defeating the Vumbi Dojo Master.
War Drum.pngWar Drum Damage dealt with by an ally's physical techniques is increased by 8%. Received from first visit to Upinzani.
Turban.pngTurban Damage received from Earth-type techniques is reduced by 20%. Lights, camera, action! side quest
Handcuffs.pngHandcuffs When user attacks a target with Exhausted Condition Exhausted or causes the target to gain said condition, target also gets 2 turns of the Trapped Condition Trapped status condition. Lights, camera, action! side quest
Drill.pngDrill When user attacks target with Evading Condition Evading status condition, removes it first. For Science! side quest
Strange Vest.pngStrange Vest When is attacked with physical techniques, uses the SPDEF stat, and when attacked with special techniques, uses the DEF stat. Purchased at Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies for 5,499Pansuns.png.
Straw Shield.pngStraw Shield Prevents 50% of the damage from the first super-effective technique received. Purchased at Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies for 5,999Pansuns.png.
Baton Pass.pngBaton Pass Temtem restores 10% max HP upon entering battlefield. Heartbeats side quest
Hopeless Tonic.pngHopeless Tonic Can be used once on the last ally Temtem. Fully restores HP and STA, removes all status conditions and then applies the Doomed status condition for 3 turns. The Writer's Journey side quest
DoubleScreen.pngDoubleScreen Takes 10% less damage from Temtem with two types. Endaira's Quest side quest
Iron Coating.pngIron Coating Deals 10% more damage with Earth-type techniques. Better Future: Phaedra side quest
Slingshot.pngSlingshot Techniques with base damage lower than 60 and priority lower than High deal 30% more damage. Prasine Coast, requires the Gravitonic piolets.
Doppelganger Brooch.pngDoppelganger Brooch 50% extra damage against Temtem of the same evolutionary line. Temtemed Out side quest
Sensei Robe.pngSensei Robe Increases damage done by special Melee Techniques by 25%. Endaira's Quest side quest
AloeVera.pngAloe Vera Increases damage done to Toxic Temtem by 15%. Rice Fields, pickup in the central grass patch.
Tinfoil Hat.pngTinfoil Hat Damage taken from Digital-type techniques is reduced by 30%. Lost Grandpa side quest
Taser.pngTaser When attacking with a physical Electric technique, the target gets Burned for 1 turn. Neoedo Dojo
Matcha.pngMatcha When resting, removes the Cold Condition Cold status condition and restores 40% STA. Ryokan, quest reward
Reactive Vial.pngReactive Vial Once per battle, receive the Nullified Condition Nullified condition for 2 turns and 8% HP after being hit by an effective or super effective technique. Travel Writer side quest
HackedMicrochip.pngHacked Microchip Damage done to Digital Temtem is increased by 15%. Angry Kami
First Aid Kit.pngFirst Aid Kit Once per battle, if the Temtem is attacked and HP is below 25%, restores 25% of max HP. Gardens of Aztlan
FakeBeard.pngFake Beard When entering the battlefield, gets Invigorated Condition Invigorated for 2 turns. Ludogastronomic Dissonance side quest
GravelBag.pngGravel Bag When attacking with an Earth special technique, uses the ATK instead of SPATK. Winners Use References side quest
RedirectionDevice.pngRedirection Device When the holder receives damage from a Digital Technique, it deals 20% of the damage received to the caster of the Tech. Rubbertemin' side quest
MomsLunch.pngMom's Lunch When entering the battlefield, rivals and the ally get Exhausted Condition Exhausted for 1 turn. QAt the heck... side quest
Morale-boostingWhip.pngMorale-boosting Whip Nothing boosts morale like a good prompt whipping! When entering the battlefield, the ally gets 3 turns of Invigorated Condition Invigorated and loses 20% of max STA. QAt the heck... side quest
Adrenaline Shot.pngAdrenaline Shot Once per battle, when overexerted, prevents the turn penalization. Rebuilding Bridges side quest
Bait.pngBait Once per battle, Bait will inflict the holder with the Immune Condition Immune and Invigorated Condition Invigorated for 2 turns. Pub Quiz side quest
Fat Burner.pngFat Burner Increases SPD by 10% and reduces ATK and SPATK by 15%. Lochburg Dojo, behind pillars on left side.
Heavy Armor.pngHeavy Armor Reduces SPD by 15% and damage taken is reduced by 10%. Braeside Castle armour room, armour set in south-east corner.
Nutrition Bar.pngNutrition Bar When attacked with a technique, restores 5% of max HP at the end of the turn during the first 4 turns the Temtem starts the turn on the battlefield. Mushroom Hunting side quest
Tent.pngTent At the start of the turn and when overexerted, DEF and SPDEF are increased by 200% for the turn. Burned Woodlands, next to Ex-Telobos Chef.
Vitamin Complex.pngVitamin Complex After the Temtem with this gear spends 3 turns in battle, all negative stage modifications are removed. T&T side quest
Marbles.pngMarbles Causes the opponents Temtem to lose 10% of max STA and 5% of max HP upon entering the battle. Thalassian Cliffs, Gotta StickTem All! side quest reward for 20 StickTem! stickers.
Building Blocks.pngBuilding Blocks Real fun to build with - real painful to step on. Grants one turn of Regenerated Condition Regenerated for every 4 turns the Temtem remains on the battlefield. Thalassian Cliffs, Gotta StickTem All! side quest reward for 35 StickTem! stickers.
Kaleidoscope.pngKaleidoscope Muddling colors and addling shapes befuddle the brain. When getting a positive status condition, removes 1 turns from it and then it gets redirected to the ally. Thalassian Cliffs, Gotta StickTem All! side quest reward for 60 StickTem! stickers.
Refreshing Diabolo.pngRefreshing Diabolo Will restore 40% of HP and STA to the holder's ally once per battle when the ally has remained on the battlefield for three turns consecutively. Thalassian Cliffs, Gotta StickTem All! side quest reward for 90 StickTem! stickers.

Breeding Gear[edit]

DNA Strands guarantee specific SVs or a Trait slot to be inherited from the parents onto the offspring. They can be purchased from the Breeding Center shopkeeper. Breeding gears are consumed when bred.

Name Description Buy price Sell price
Vitality DNA Strand.pngVitality DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's HP. 1,000Pansuns.png 500Pansuns.png
Endurance DNA Strand.pngEndurance DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's STA. 1,000Pansuns.png 500Pansuns.png
Lithe DNA Strand.pngLithe DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's SPEED. 1,000Pansuns.png 500Pansuns.png
Aggressive DNA Strand.pngAggressive DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's ATK. 1,000Pansuns.png 500Pansuns.png
Hardening DNA Strand.pngHardening DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's DEF. 1,000Pansuns.png 500Pansuns.png
Gifted DNA Strand.pngGifted DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's SPATK. 1,000Pansuns.png 500Pansuns.png
Dominant DNA Strand.pngDominant DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's SPDEF. 1,000Pansuns.png 500Pansuns.png
Vigor DNA Strand.pngVigor DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's HP and STA. 5,000Pansuns.png 2,500Pansuns.png
Mighty DNA Strand.pngMighty DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's ATK and SPATK. 5,000Pansuns.png 2,500Pansuns.png
Immunity DNA Strand.pngImmunity DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's DEF and SPDEF. 5,000Pansuns.png 2,500Pansuns.png
Engineered DNA Strand.pngEngineered DNA Strand This DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's trait slot. 10,000Pansuns.png 5,000Pansuns.png

TV Gear[edit]

TV Gear are a set of gears that affect how a Temtem gains/loses TVs.

Name Description Location Buy Price
Proteins.pngProteins Doubles the TV gain from defeating Temtem. Giant Banyan. Requires beating Nanga Dojo. -
Eraser.pngEraser User loses half the TVs it would gain from defeating Temtem. West side of the Xolot Reservoir, requires the Gravitonic piolets. -
EraserPlus.pngEraser+ Instead of gaining TVs from defeating Temtem, the holder loses them. On the lower level of Neoedo, just north of Nanto Labs. -
Calm Patch.pngCalm Patch Prevents earning ATK TVs from defeated Temtem. Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies 3,399Pansuns.png
Clumsy Patch.pngClumsy Patch Prevents earning SPATK TVs from defeated Temtem. Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies 3,399Pansuns.png
Fatigue Patch.pngFatigue Patch Prevents earning HP TVs from defeated Temtem. Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies 3,399Pansuns.png
Humble Patch.pngHumble Patch Prevents earning SPDEF TVs from defeated Temtem. Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies 3,399Pansuns.png
Lazy Patch.pngLazy Patch Prevents earning STA TVs from defeated Temtem. Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies 3,399Pansuns.png
Oblivion Patch.pngOblivion Patch Prevents earning TVs from defeated Temtem. Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies 3,399Pansuns.png
Soft Patch.pngSoft Patch Prevents earning DEF TVs from defeated Temtem. Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies 3,399Pansuns.png
Stiff Patch.pngStiff Patch Prevents earning SPD TVs from defeated Temtem. Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies 3,399Pansuns.png


Courses are used outside combat to teach specific Temtem new Techniques.

Technique Courses[edit]

These courses are able to be used indefinitely.

Name Source
TechniqueCourse.pngTC001: Tsunami Gone with the Sillaro side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC002: Stone Wall Windward Fort prison floor, cell in the water. Requires the Surfboard or Acid-Proof Surfboard.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC003: Turbo Choreography The Denizan Icarus side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC004: Wake Up Homework side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC005: Misogi Behind the waterfall in Aguamarina Caves. Requires the Surfboard or Acid-Proof Surfboard.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC006: Magma Cannon Nanga Dojo, in dead-end in the right part of the dojo.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC007: Noxious Bomb Along The Canopath, just west of Nanga.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC008: Awful Song Find Kemal side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC009: Antitoxins Beached Narwhal main quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC010: Confiscate Hidden in the bucket against the north wall in the Prison of Quetzal.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC011: Cage In the Mines of Mictlan.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC012: Rend In the Wreck of the Narwhal.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC013: Block In the grass by rock hopping to the island near the Anak Volcano.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC014: Madness Buff South island in the Xolot Reservoir.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC015: Footwork A Rock Too Far side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC016: Held Anger First Aid main quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC017: Relax In the water in the Kakama Cenote.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC018: Major Slash Freeing bandits side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC019: Base Jump Thalassian Cliffs, just north of Briçal de Mar. Requires Gravitonic piolets.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC020: Brace Complete the Main Quest Task Testify at the First Archipelago Congress.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC021: Double Edge Temtemed Out side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC022: Look out Western side of the Bandit Hideout. Requires Gravitonic piolets.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC023: Serbatiyo's Wrath Serbatiyo's Wrath side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC024: Quicksand Vumbi Dojo
TechniqueCourse.pngTC025: Drought Cave in the south-western Tasa Desert.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC026: Darkness Dark cave inside the Chini Grotto.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC027: Untangle Obtained from defeating Jeremy at the Vumbi Dojo.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC028: Quetza-leño Bonfire Restored side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC029: Zen Meditation Onsenshima in the northwestern corner of the lower floor, behind the building.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC030: Data Corruption Ecosystem Balance side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC031: Harmful Microwaves Neoedo Dojo in the northeastern corner of the dojo.
TechniqueCourse.pngTC032: Refresh Moving In, Freaking Out side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC033: Beef Up Broken Chawan side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC034: Sharpening Kwea Uplands, requires Crystal Skates
TechniqueCourse.pngTC035: Quartz Dirt Amethyst Barrens, requires Crystal Skates
TechniqueCourse.pngTC036: Soil Steam The Highbelow?, Eastern side of the centermost island
TechniqueCourse.pngTC037: Sanative Rain Rebuilding Bridges side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC038: 5PPEH Properton Dojo
TechniqueCourse.pngTC039: Kesa Gatame The Writer's Journey side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC040: Horror Sewers of Properton
TechniqueCourse.pngTC041: Laundry Braeside Castle
TechniqueCourse.pngTC042: Rush Finding Aina side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC043: Restore Anti-Antiquarian side quest
TechniqueCourse.pngTC044: Fiery Ballad Get at least a score of 7200 in Deniz Invaders at the Arcade Bar

Egg Technique Courses[edit]

Main article: Egg Technique Course

Egg Technique Courses are used to apply an egg move to a Temtem without the need to breed it. Currently, the items have limited availability as they can only be found in loot pools and also can't be sold.


Key items have significant importance in the progress of the player's adventure. They are not consumed upon use. Unlike other items, key items are mostly passive without requiring the user to directly interact with them in the menu. Regular key items have relevance throughout the entire game and can usually be used regardless of story progression, so long as the user is in possession of them.

Name Description
Archipelago Map.pngArchipelago Map Allows the player to explore the Airborne Archipelago.
Surfboard.pngSurfboard Allows the player to surf and traverse water bodies.
Surfboard.pngAcid-Proof Surfboard Allows the player to surf and traverse bodies of water and acid.
Crystal Skates.pngCrystal Skates Allow the player to skate through crystal surfaces to avoid sliding.
Tempedia.pngTempedia Stores the data of seen and caught Temtem.
TemessencePhial.pngTemessence Phial Full restores the whole squad.
Rock-HoppingHook.pngRock-hopping hook Used to leap over certain gaps.
Egg Timer.pngEgg Timer Used to tell when your eggs hatch.
GravitonicPiolets.pngGravitonic piolets Used to climb rock-walls and cliffs.
Fishing Rod.pngFishing Rod Used to fish in water.
Matter-Transfer Drone.pngMatter-Transfer Drone Used to teleport to certain parts of the Archipelago.
KoishLure.pngKoish Lure Locks in 2 Traits for weekly Koish fishing.
Coward's Blanket.pngCoward's Blanket Used to spread experience and TV gain across whole team.
StickTem! Album.pngStickTem! Album This venerable, out-of-print tome holds your budding collection of vintage StickTem! stickers.

Quest Items[edit]

Quest related items are grouped together in the Key tab. These have important roles related to quests and are usually specific to certain locations.

Name Description Quest
LiftKey.pngElevator Key Allows the player to move through the three regions of Omninesia. Adventure in the Myrisles
LiftKey.pngFort Windward key Opens the dungeons in Windward Fort. First Steps
QuestIcon.pngAirship ticket Allows the player to use the Narwhal to travel between islands. First Steps
QuestIcon.pngBlueprints Schematics meant to be delivered to the Guildmaster of Quetzal. Blueprint Delivery
QuestIcon.pngSigned Authorization Allows the player to access Ulterior Omninesia. Adventure in the Myrisles
QuestIcon.pngMessage in a bottle (Item) Starts the Message in a Bottle quest. Message in a Bottle
QuestIcon.pngLady Lottie's diary Starts Lottie's Diary quest. Lottie's Diary
QuestIcon.pngWater sample A Collectible during Water Supply quest. Water Supply
QuestIcon.pngWater sample B Collectible during Water Supply quest. Water Supply
QuestIcon.pngEmpty water sample vial A Used to store Water sample A. Water Supply
QuestIcon.pngEmpty water sample vial B Used to store Water sample B. Water Supply
QuestIcon.pngFirst-aid medicines Medicine used to heal Octlana. First Aid
QuestIcon.pngAncient Idol This ancient-looking idol seems to have personal significance for Koli, the captain of the Quetzal Guards. Liberate Matthew
QuestIcon.pngScreenplay for "Betrayal at Kilima" Three hundred pages of convoluted dialog... Who the Downbelow writes this stuff!? Lights, camera, action!
QuestIcon.pngAnnotated screenplay 1."What do mine eyes..." 2."Betrayed!" 3."Baodbil of Turquesa!" 4.(with passion!) 5."Fare thee well..." Lights, camera, action!
QuestIcon.pngCell #3 Key A key for a particular cell in the Quetzal prison... unfortunately, not Matthew's. Freeing bandits
QuestIcon.pngTucmani fire torch A torch flaming with Tucmani fire - if someone cares about that detail? Bonfire Restored
LiftKey.pngHotel Key The key to Kalei's room at the Arissola Palace Hotel. On Solid Footing?
QuestIcon.pngProperty Deed This document proves you own a plot of land in Atoll Row, Omninesia. On Solid Footing?
LiftKey.pngKey to your house Gives access to the player's house in Atoll Row. If You Build It
QuestIcon.png"Endaira's Quest" comicbook By the Pansun! The latest issue of the smash-hit comicbook "Endaira's Quest"! Endaira's Quest
QuestIcon.pngTuray's Revenge A very fanciful manga, owned by Ibrahima... and lent to who-knows-who. Moving In, Freaking Out
QuestIcon.pngBarrel of Sake A small barrel of rice wine... a fitting offering to appease the spirits of the place. Angry Kami
QuestIcon.pngBroken Chawan Oh no! The tea bowl is broken... was it your fault?! Broken Chawan
QuestIcon.pngChawan This tea bowl is a beautiful example of Cimpaki craftsmanship, probably very ancient... Broken Chawan
QuestIcon.pngTea and Mochi A lovely cup of fine Cipanku matcha and some delicious rice desserts! Intrigue in Cipanku
QuestIcon.pngDevelopment Notes "Step one, increase electric input by 7.2%... Step two, attune to Mental polarizer... Step three, reverse polarity to Purple standard..." The 'Tem in the Shell
QuestIcon.pngRevised Dev Notes These contain detailed information on the production process for a new type of TemCard. The 'Tem in the Shell
QuestIcon.pngKoan Scroll ...sound of clapping with one hand... color of a fallen tree... what do you do when you can do nothing... Through a Gate, Darkly
QuestIcon.pngDamian's Score The intro for the famous anime series, penned by Damian himself. Musical Crystals
QuestIcon.pngBunch of sandwiches Sandwiches for each and everyone in the Crema Corp team. Gamedev is hungry work... Ludogastronomic Dissonance
QuestIcon.pngCamera Borrowed from CremaCorp to take some reference pictures for the Art team. Winners Use References
QuestIcon.pngReferences request for Art References needed [in order of priority): 1. A fiery inferno / 2. A dark dungeon / 3. A world of ice Winners Use References
QuestIcon.pngFresh Shallots Lovely smelling Shallots! A Castle Too High
QuestIcon.pngTasty Recipe This is a recipe for a sauce involving fried julienne shallots. A Castle Too High
QuestIcon.pngCoffee Jug A big jug of delicious, hot coffee, good for many refills! A Castle Too High
QuestIcon.pngBedroom Key The key to an officer's bedroom in Telobos... A Castle Too High
QuestIcon.pngPotent Laxatives These are guaranteed to make you feel lighter... afterwards. A Castle Too High
QuestIcon.pngSigned Inspection Orders Belsoto documents authorizing a technical inspection of the Telobos engines... signed by Dr. Hamijo himself! A Castle Too High
QuestIcon.pngEmergency Parachute *This* was Calos' famous plan?! A Castle Too High
QuestIcon.pngKonstantinos' Note "<Player Name>, I have a lead on Nalla's whereabouts. Meet me at my office at the university. Make haste - They're watching me! Your friend, -Professor K." The End of Innocence
QuestIcon.pngLong metal... thing? A long metallic rod with an elaborate pattern of hooks at the tip... some sort of tool? What for? The End of Innocence
QuestIcon.pngBraeside Castle Key This is Lady Lottie's key to the ancestral home of her family, Castle Braeside. The End of Innocence
QuestIcon.pngFragment of the Great Seal Multiple descriptions, see item's page The End of Innocence
QuestIcon.pngInterview with Adia Héctor's questionnaire for Adia Turay. The Writer's Journey
QuestIcon.pngT&T Manual The sourcebook for a popular tabletop RPG. T&T
QuestIcon.pngShiitake A few fistfuls of scrumptious shiitake mushrooms. Mushroom Hunting
QuestIcon.pngChanterelles A good catch of delicious-smelling chanterelle mushrooms. Mushroom Hunting
QuestIcon.pngMèrida's Bow A finely crafted Lochburgian longbow... Finding Aina
QuestIcon.pngBorrowed Saddle Adequate for riding a Minox while owning a respectable derriere. Ride the Minox
QuestIcon.pngTwin Clue - First Find us where the wild Kinu grow. Peak Twins
QuestIcon.pngTwin Clue - Second Find us in the saltiest. Peak Twins
QuestIcon.pngTwin Clue - Third Find us in the coldest place. Peak Twins
QuestIcon.pngTwin Clue - Fourth Find us where poison becomes life. Peak Twins
QuestIcon.pngTwin Clue - Fifth Find us at the threshold of another sphere. Peak Twins
QuestIcon.pngTwin Clue - Last Find us at the highest of the lowest, within the high depths. Peak Twins
QuestIcon.pngAlizarin Red Archipelago Colors
QuestIcon.pngChef's Knife A Castle Too High
QuestIcon.pngCongressional Insignia Identifies you as a Special Agent of the First Archipelagic Congress - one of the very few; entrusted with an unprecedented responsibility. The Battle of Kisiwa
QuestIcon.pngDuality Notes Annotated technical instruction on Duality settings: "Configuration Directives > Unpoggerify Textures > DevExternal Server". Rubbertemin'
QuestIcon.pngInspection Orders A Castle Too High
QuestIcon.pngLapis Lazuli Blue Deep blue pigment, made from finely ground Kisiwan lapis lazuli. Archipelago Colors
QuestIcon.pngOnsen invitation An invitation to Onsenshima, signed by Dr. Sasaya. Intrigue in Cipanku
QuestIcon.pngRunestone? Gormlaith sold you this "authentic Lochburgian runestone"... but is it real? Anti-Antiquarian
QuestIcon.pngSlip of Paper A slip of paper scrawled with four digits... probably the combination to Josep's locker. No Head For Numbers
QuestIcon.pngSnacks T&T
QuestIcon.pngCase notes 1. Filomena lives in Turquesa.
2. She lost her Mimit while Momo-sledding at Kilima Peaks.
3. Igualitto has never been bred.
Coda: Routine Case
QuestIcon.pngTamer's Paradise Charts Navigational directions to reach the seventh island! Coda: Poisoned Legacy
QuestIcon.pngTrail of the Sea-Queen "Endaira's vessel was the Sogra, painted the color of the Iwaba grass (...) and the Shogun proposed to her (...) the navigator Motei, born under the waning Panmoon..." Coda: The Legend
QuestIcon.pngCipanki Scroll Notes "'-san' was affixed to the name of her ship, granted by Hitomi...sailed under the new Panmoon" Coda: The Legend
QuestIcon.pngPictogram Rubbings "Full Panmoon over a flaming mountain/ Waning Panmoon over a massive tree?/ Waxing moon over a circle of stones/ New Panmoon over a lake" Coda: The Legend