Gardens of Aztlan

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Gardens of Aztlan
Gardens of Aztlan in-game.jpg
Paradise in the abyss
Connected Areas Quetzal
Island Tucma



Tamers Temtem Location Reward
Tlacuilo Noxolotl.png Lvl. 45Nidrasil.png Lvl. 45

174 Pansuns.png
Chauistli Saipat.png Lvl. 41Pocus.png Lvl. 41Mushook.png Lvl. 41

320 Pansuns.png
Ailani Babawa.png Lvl. 46Drakash.png Lvl. 44Raican.png Lvl. 46

261 Pansuns.png
Gardenguardian & Gardenguardian 2 Taifu.png Lvl. 37Cerneaf.png Lvl. 37Saku.png Lvl. 37Loali.png Lvl. 37

548 Pansuns.png
Izamná Platimous.png Lvl. 47

75 Pansuns.png
Tlalteco Kalabyss.png Lvl. 46Skunch.png Lvl. 45

192 Pansuns.png
Tasteless Cosplayer Barnshe.png Lvl. 40Piraniant.png Lvl. 40Ukama.png Lvl. 40

398 Pansuns.png
Ariam Osukan.png Lvl. 50Rhoulder.png Lvl. 50

246 Pansuns.png
Centli Shuine.png Lvl. 50Kinu.png Lvl. 50

253 Pansuns.png
Yoali Scaravolt.png Lvl. 48Tortenite.png Lvl. 48Loali.png Lvl. 48Vulcrane.png Lvl. 48

887 Pansuns.png
Chizuka Molgu.png Lvl. 48Mimit.png Lvl. 48Hedgine.png Lvl. 48Mimit.png Lvl. 48

921 Pansuns.png
Soma Innki.png Lvl. 43LumaVolarend.png Lvl. 45Gazuma.png Lvl. 42Hedgine.png Lvl. 42LumaShuine.png Lvl. 42Drakash.png Lvl. 43

1585 Pansuns.png


Requires Surfboard

Requires Crystal Skates


  • Gardens of Aztlan is a Breeder Tier Route by Soma Ghost, who pledged $6000 to the Kickstarter.[1] Soma Ghost is the breeder that created the Volarend line. Crema designed this garden based on the swampland and coastal areas of Louisiana, in the US.[2]
  • Without Crystal Skates, the bottom area where Centli is can be reached by entering through the center, then going down, right, up, left, up, right, and down. The top area where Ariam is can be similarly reached by entering through the bottom, then going down, left, up, left, up, left, and up.

