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A Dojo is a milestone location where the player can fight Dojo Masters. There are currently 8 known Dojos in the Airborne Archipelago.


Dojos have a significant influence on the societal and political structures of a region. They have authority to intervene in law enforcement, play a role in inter-islandic relations and are key players in the fight against Clan Belsoto.

Various characters dislike the Dojo system, labeling them as oligarchic or meritocratic. Dojos are not democratic and most of the power centralizes onto the Dojo Master. Opponents prefer a more democratic structure with formal elections. The bandits in the Corrupted Badlands dislike Dojos for their authority and prefer anarchy, without the influence of Dojo Masters, guilds or guards.



Dojo leaders can be rematched once per week each. These rematches take place under competitive rules.


An easier rematch with the Dojo Master's Tems having reduced levels, SVs, and TVs. If the player wins they are rewarded with 3,200Pansuns.png.

If the player completes the Casual rematch first, the Disciple rematch can still be challenged and the rewards earned.


If the player wins, the number of Pansuns and Feathers they are rewarded with depends on how many attempts it took (losses on Casual rematches are taken into account). Winning without any losses will give a reward of (60 * Tamer Level) Pansuns.png and 32 Feathers.png, going down 10% with each loss (Tamer Level * 54, 48, 42, etc.) Pansuns.png, with the Feather reward rounding down (one loss 28.8 rounds to 28 Feathers.png, two losses 25.6 rounds to 25 Feathers.png, etc.), to a minimum payout of 40% of maximum reward.

If the player completes the Disciple rematch first, the Casual rematch is counted as completed and the rewards given at the same time.