Coda: Routine Case

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Coda: Routine Case
Quest Type Main
Previous Quests Coda: The Archtamers
Next Quest Coda: Poisoned Legacy
Starting Location Neoedo
Starting NPC Carlos
Requirements Completed The End of Innocence and started Coda: The Archtamers
Reward 10000 Pansuns.png

Coda: Routine Case is a Main quest and is begun by speaking to Carlos during the Coda: The Archtamers.


  • You have a case waiting for you at Aina's house.
  • Study your case notes and find Filomena's Igualitto.
  • Report back to Filomena at Turquesa.
  • Examine the TemCard carefully.


While chatting to Carlos in Coda: The Archtamers, he will give you his latest case as he is busy planning his wedding to Dr. Sasaya, the contact for which he has told to meet you in Zadar. After speaking to Filomena in Aina's house, you are given the details for the case which is to track down Igualitto, her Mimit which she lost while Momo-sledding in Kilima Peaks. Journey to Kilima Peaks and ask Kyle if he knows Filomena and has seen a Mimit around the area or seen anything out of the ordinary. He will tell you about a Kisiwan using Cipanki mannerisms in the area, after which you will need to report back to Filomena at her house in Turquesa.

When you try talking about her the case, she will tell you that she found Igualitto in its TemCard in her house and asks you to check it. While checking the details, you will check its name, species, Original tamer, Owner, and Fertility, which are:

  • Correct
  • Correct
  • Correct
  • Correct
  • Incorrect

Based on the lowered ferility, you discover someone has been using Igualitto as a breeder. Filomena rejects the idea and pays you your reward, 10,000 Pansuns.png! However, you continue to suspect that between being lost in Kisiwa and found in Turquesa, it must have been bred, and the Kisiwan with Cipanki mannerisms may have been involved.

