For Science!

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For Science!
Quest Type Side
Starting Location Historical Customs Office
Starting NPC Akihiro
Requirements Gyalis and Hidody eggs
Reward Drill
Incubator device

For Science! is a side quest and is begun by talking to Akihiro at the Historical Customs Office. Throughout the quest, the player assists the development of a new device by breeding and delivering two eggs. After testing of the device, Akihiro begins to consider how to market it.


  • Locate Zamzaditta, somewhere in Kisiwa.
  • Bring Zamzaditta a Gyalis egg.
  • Bring Zamzaditta a Hidody egg.
  • Deliver the incubator prototype to Akihiro.


After talking to Akihiro at the Historical Customs Office near the Mini-Temporium, the player goes to talk to Zamzaditta in Vumbi. They must deliver her an egg of a Gyalis and then the egg of a Hidody. Hatched Temtem are not acceptable. They then receive the Incubator device, and must return to Akihiro. After talking to him, they enter a fight.

Tamers Temtem Reward
Stranded businesswoman Saipat.png Lvl. 38 Valash.png Lvl. 40 Gazuma.png Lvl. 38 Deendre.png Lvl. 35 501 Pansuns.png

After winning the fight the player completes the quest.



The player encounters an anxious man waiting for access to Uhuru. He introduces himself as Akihiro, an inventor. His conversation bubbles with frustration. Without the ability to work on his prototype, an Incubator device to reduce Temtem incubation times, he fumes. Perhaps the player can help. He explains that his lab assistant, Zamzaditta, was working with his blueprints for a prototype, but the war began. Although he is not sure of her exact location, he knows it is somewhere in Kisiwa.

The player finds Zamzaditta in Vumbi. She explains how she escaped the Belsoto's attack and smuggled a prototype, slipping through the Juu Tunnel. She has tested the prototype with local eggs, but in order to be completely sure of the machine's safety, she must use foreign eggs on it. Specifically, the egg of a Gyalis. Because Crystal type Temtem have high sensitivity to changes in temperature and eggshell conductivity, Gyalis is a particularly delicate variety to breed. A Gyalis egg would be irrefutable evidence that it works.

After an all-values-green Gyalis egg test, Zamzaditta feels the need to test a Hidody egg, another edge case. With another successful test, Zamzaditta decides that she has improved the machine as much as she could. She gives it to the player to deliver to Akihiro himself. Only he can further its improvement.

Back in the Office, Akihiro waits excitedly for the incubator. Just as the player is about to hand over the device, a businesswoman approaches the scene. She tries to take the device. She reveals her alliance with Clan Belsoto. The player steps in to defend the inventor, and fights off the woman. Afterwords, the scientist explains he has had many competitors, but perhaps the situation in Kisiwa has made them more aggressive. With the device safely in his hands, he decides to leave the prototype with the player, along with another invention too unwieldly for its original use.