Temtem (creatures)

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Examples of various Temtem. Note: some designs have been altered since they were published.

Temtem are the titular fictional creatures and a major element of the game Temtem. They come in a variety of forms and types. Although many Temtem resemble animals, some are inspired by plants, mythological creatures or in part even objects. As of Patch 1.8.1, there are 165 Temtem species known and obtainable.


In the Airborne Archipelago, Temtem are tamed and used as traveling companions. In addition, collecting Temtem is a popular hobby. It is implied that Temtem like to battle, which is considered a sport among people. Various aspects of Temtem are important in combat. The Tempedia stores information on the many species.

Types - Each Temtem species can have one or two types, and each technique has a type as well. The typing of Temtem will determine whether they take more or less damage from techniques of specific types. The types are Neutral, Wind, Earth, Water, Fire, Nature, Electric, Mental, Digital, Melee, Crystal and Toxic.

Techniques - During combat, techniques can be used. Each technique has its own properties, such as type (as explained above), category, damage, stamina cost, hold value, priority and synergy. In addition, some techniques are capable of inflicting status conditions. The pool of techniques a Temtem can use depends on the species.

Traits - Each Temtem species can have one of two possible traits. These are passive properties that have an effect during combat. Certain traits affect type effectiveness, others apply status conditions and some may raise or lower stats.

Stats - Stats are the seven factors that determine how Temtem perform in combat. They affect damage calculations, turn order and limits to the use of techniques. The seven stats are StatHP.png HP, StatSTA.png STA, StatSPD.png SPD, StatATK.png ATK, StatDEF.png DEF, StatSPATK.png SPATK, and StatSPDEF.png SPDEF. The stat total for each of the stats is determined by the species-specific base stats, the individual's single values, the variable training values and the level of the Temtem.

Evolution - Many species are capable of Evolution upon increasing a certain amount of levels, whereby they change into different species. Species related to each other in such a way are referred to as evolutionary lines.

Breeding - Male and female Temtem that share at least one type among them, are compatible for breeding. They can produce eggs with the first form of the evolutionary line of the female parent. Several aspects of the parents are inherited onto the offspring. The amount of times a tamed Temtem can breed is limited by fertility.

Luma - Luma Temtem are a very rare occurence. They have different coloration, glow and particle effects, and a bright shine effect when entering combat. Unlike most other properties of Temtem, the Luma status does not affect their combat performance compared to a normal or Umbra Temtem with the same stats, and is a purely cosmetic variation. The current odds of encountering an untamed Luma Temtem are 1 in 7500.

Umbra - Umbra Temtem are a very rare occurence that cannot be encountered before completing Coda: Shadow & Flame. They have different coloration, glow and particle effects, and a shadowy smoke effect when entering combat. Unlike most other properties of Temtem, the Luma status does not affect their combat performance compared to a normal or Luma Temtem with the same stats, and is a purely cosmetic variation. The current odds of encountering an untamed Umbra Temtem are 1 in 75000.

Temtem species[edit]

The following list details known Temtem species, their Types and base stats.

No. Temtem Type(s) Base Stats
#001 Mimit.pngMimit Digital 55 55 55 55 65 55 65 405
#002 Oree.pngOree Digital 61 74 35 65 44 32 31 342
#003 Zaobian.pngZaobian Digital 72 90 63 84 50 42 44 445
#004 Chromeon (Digital).pngChromeon (Digital) Digital 61 61 66 65 49 85 63 450
#005 Halzhi.pngHalzhi Digital 52 35 38 56 48 39 44 312
#006 Molgu.pngMolgu Digital 82 55 51 84 64 52 66 454
#007 Platypet.pngPlatypet Water Toxic 55 39 65 45 31 67 56 358
#008 Platox.pngPlatox Water Toxic 62 44 81 50 35 76 63 411
#009 Platimous.pngPlatimous Water Toxic 73 49 82 56 39 93 70 462
#010 Swali.pngSwali Nature 44 65 35 50 40 55 60 349
#011 Loali.pngLoali Nature Wind 61 74 77 60 54 70 81 477
#012 Tateru.pngTateru Neutral 79 82 60 75 66 54 66 482
#013 Gharunder.pngGharunder Toxic Electric 71 59 49 84 47 47 85 442
#014 Mosu.pngMosu Melee 60 39 35 65 54 65 54 372
#015 Magmut.pngMagmut Melee Fire 90 61 40 75 64 75 64 469
#016 Paharo.pngPaharo Wind 48 18 60 40 40 50 50 306
#017 Paharac.pngPaharac Wind 60 35 70 54 55 60 60 394
#018 Granpah.pngGranpah Wind 70 44 78 55 63 76 68 454
#019 Ampling.pngAmpling Electric 51 40 70 35 36 41 42 315
#020 Amphatyr.pngAmphatyr Electric Nature 65 61 110 51 53 66 64 470
#021 Bunbun.pngBunbun Earth Crystal 72 40 69 50 36 64 43 374
#022 Mudrid.pngMudrid Earth Crystal 85 52 95 60 44 84 52 472
#023 Hidody.pngHidody Nature 49 70 39 42 39 62 55 356
#024 Taifu.pngTaifu Nature 64 87 40 50 52 91 89 473
#025 Fomu.pngFomu Water 40 60 40 30 35 65 70 340
#026 Wiplump.pngWiplump Water Wind 66 80 70 40 50 88 80 474
#027 Skail.pngSkail Neutral 57 43 60 45 50 32 41 328
#028 Skunch.pngSkunch Neutral Melee 72 67 75 68 70 45 60 457
#029 Goty.pngGoty Neutral 51 48 31 55 48 58 37 328
#030 Mouflank.pngMouflank Neutral 79 65 72 73 74 72 41 476
#031 Rhoulder.pngRhoulder Neutral Earth 83 58 42 79 86 22 65 435
#032 Houchic.pngHouchic Mental 38 44 66 40 41 72 52 353
#033 Tental.pngTental Mental 41 51 76 42 52 83 66 411
#034 Nagaise.pngNagaise Mental Water 53 52 81 49 62 92 78 467
#035 Orphyll.pngOrphyll Nature Toxic 42 48 75 68 64 27 40 364
#036 Nidrasil.pngNidrasil Nature Toxic 77 52 66 84 77 36 51 443
#037 Banapi.pngBanapi Fire 42 40 70 50 50 40 41 333
#038 Capyre.pngCapyre Fire 67 61 91 81 68 45 49 462
#039 Lapinite.pngLapinite Crystal 58 31 46 44 63 55 56 353
#040 Azuroc.pngAzuroc Crystal 64 34 50 68 75 60 67 418
#041 Zenoreth.pngZenoreth Crystal 73 46 60 83 91 70 73 496
#042 Reval.pngReval Mental 50 46 40 61 42 80 75 394
#043 Aohi.pngAohi Mental Fire 64 51 71 61 46 89 79 461
#044 Bigu.pngBigu Nature 55 68 20 65 38 41 42 329
#045 Babawa.pngBabawa Nature Water 85 92 40 79 60 51 52 459
#046 0b1.png0b1 Digital Electric 22 38 74 24 32 29 34 253
#047 0b10.png0b10 Digital Electric 67 76 78 52 68 62 71 474
#048 Kaku.pngKaku Nature 69 48 35 60 60 35 50 357
#049 Saku.pngSaku Nature Wind 82 68 40 74 72 40 74 450
#050 Valash.pngValash Neutral Crystal 58 57 90 74 62 74 62 477
#051 Towly.pngTowly Melee Mental 45 41 70 54 36 54 36 336
#052 Owlhe.pngOwlhe Wind Melee 62 55 80 75 79 60 49 460
#053 Barnshe.pngBarnshe Wind Mental 63 61 80 60 47 75 79 465
#054 Gyalis.pngGyalis Crystal Melee 74 44 100 81 61 23 61 444
#055 Occlura.pngOcclura Crystal 50 39 50 45 43 38 65 330
#056 Myx.pngMyx Crystal Mental 58 61 68 51 53 82 80 453
#057 Raiber.pngRaiber Fire 57 35 42 40 61 59 38 332
#058 Raize.pngRaize Fire 66 46 40 46 74 69 43 384
#059 Raican.pngRaican Fire 79 55 67 77 77 51 57 463
#060 Pewki.pngPewki Water 70 32 33 42 45 31 10 263
#061 Piraniant.pngPiraniant Water 90 58 55 79 85 65 50 482
#062 Scarawatt.pngScarawatt Electric 51 41 40 24 50 35 61 302
#063 Scaravolt.pngScaravolt Electric Fire 89 52 44 60 65 62 77 449
#064 Hoglip.pngHoglip Digital Fire 46 43 70 44 53 72 55 383
#065 Hedgine.pngHedgine Digital Fire 54 48 84 51 61 80 64 442
#066 Osuchi.pngOsuchi Earth 52 37 38 65 51 24 25 292
#067 Osukan.pngOsukan Earth Melee 60 41 41 82 73 26 35 358
#068 Osukai.pngOsukai Earth Melee 71 54 68 92 85 31 53 454
#069 Saipat.pngSaipat Water Melee 75 55 85 85 60 55 61 476
#070 Pycko.pngPycko Earth Fire 49 52 39 55 40 44 41 320
#071 Drakash.pngDrakash Earth Fire 66 60 79 57 49 86 72 469
#072 Crystle.pngCrystle Crystal 60 41 33 61 69 46 42 352
#073 Sherald.pngSherald Crystal 70 48 43 62 78 71 52 424
#074 Tortenite.pngTortenite Crystal Toxic 85 61 52 45 82 84 69 478
#075 Innki.pngInnki Electric Crystal 59 74 80 65 61 65 61 465
#076 Shaolite.pngShaolite Melee 40 58 68 43 58 54 61 382
#077 Shaolant.pngShaolant Melee 51 68 80 51 68 70 72 460
#078 Cycrox.pngCycrox Digital Toxic 73 62 48 54 64 75 71 447
#079 Hocus.pngHocus Mental 49 61 65 55 34 55 34 353
#080 Pocus.pngPocus Mental 70 73 85 61 45 87 55 476
#081 Smolzy.pngSmolzy Electric 40 60 65 65 26 22 26 304
#082 Sparzy.pngSparzy Electric 62 78 78 81 45 40 45 429
#083 Golzy.pngGolzy Electric Melee 71 78 82 80 49 40 48 448
#084 Mushi.pngMushi Toxic 48 33 68 48 36 48 29 310
#085 Mushook.pngMushook Toxic Melee 71 45 81 84 75 49 48 453
#086 Magmis.pngMagmis Fire 52 51 37 55 42 45 35 317
#087 Mastione.pngMastione Fire Water 80 68 50 91 65 62 52 468
#088 Umishi.pngUmishi Water 51 76 80 21 34 63 45 370
#089 Ukama.pngUkama Water 68 90 100 34 51 72 54 469
#090 Galvanid.pngGalvanid Electric 59 49 46 70 60 50 43 377
#091 Raignet.pngRaignet Electric 75 57 54 81 74 58 57 456
#092 Smazee.pngSmazee Melee 49 55 66 69 44 37 37 357
#093 Baboong.pngBaboong Melee 62 61 75 79 51 41 41 410
#094 Seismunch.pngSeismunch Melee Earth 70 65 85 83 54 43 54 454
#095 Zizare.pngZizare Earth 64 75 30 90 95 40 62 456
#096 Gorong.pngGorong Melee 81 42 63 75 96 12 64 433
#097 Mitty.pngMitty Mental 40 46 50 80 75 42 61 394
#098 Sanbi.pngSanbi Mental 75 51 64 89 79 42 64 464
#099 Momo.pngMomo Neutral 75 64 89 46 49 79 75 477
#100 Kuri.pngKuri Earth 52 30 52 35 58 60 31 318
#101 Kauren.pngKauren Earth 81 57 65 52 74 81 57 467
#102 Spriole.pngSpriole Nature 72 38 65 42 70 37 31 355
#103 Deendre.pngDeendre Nature 80 42 70 48 74 42 35 391
#104 Cerneaf.pngCerneaf Nature 91 60 79 60 88 43 55 476
#105 Toxolotl.pngToxolotl Toxic 59 40 47 50 64 65 37 362
#106 Noxolotl.pngNoxolotl Toxic 72 61 61 61 78 85 45 463
#107 Blooze.pngBlooze Toxic 68 50 33 43 52 46 54 346
#108 Goolder.pngGoolder Toxic 125 70 10 64 62 68 62 461
#109 Zephyruff.pngZephyruff Toxic Wind 55 34 68 43 47 50 51 348
#110 Volarend.pngVolarend Toxic Wind 60 42 74 66 55 68 92 457
#111 Grumvel.pngGrumvel Earth 70 36 55 50 65 48 60 384
#112 Grumper.pngGrumper Earth Electric 75 55 50 56 75 81 69 461
#113 Ganki.pngGanki Electric Wind 38 46 61 57 38 62 73 375
#114 Gazuma.pngGazuma Electric Wind 54 56 75 68 52 81 91 477
#115 Oceara.pngOceara Water 64 42 100 54 51 105 65 481
#116 Yowlar.pngYowlar Neutral 81 71 40 74 77 50 70 463
#117 Droply.pngDroply Water Earth 60 60 25 65 60 39 54 363
#118 Garyo.pngGaryo Water Earth 74 65 38 82 72 56 66 453
#119 Broccoblin.pngBroccoblin Nature 59 51 38 35 32 61 59 335
#120 Broccorc.pngBroccorc Nature Melee 69 56 42 70 50 54 68 409
#121 Broccolem.pngBroccolem Nature Melee 81 67 47 70 60 76 77 478
#122 Shuine.pngShuine Crystal Water 56 90 81 67 60 72 60 486
#123 Nessla.pngNessla Water Electric 60 62 66 76 56 79 72 471
#124 Valiar.pngValiar Mental 60 74 72 75 71 54 65 471
#125 Pupoise.pngPupoise Digital Nature 51 37 49 66 54 40 42 339
#126 Loatle.pngLoatle Digital Mental 86 61 65 75 67 51 62 467
#127 Kalazu.pngKalazu Water 63 24 28 54 70 38 44 321
#128 Kalabyss.pngKalabyss Water Toxic 82 37 37 75 100 65 50 446
#129 Adoroboros.pngAdoroboros Toxic Mental 67 63 60 29 50 70 105 444
#130 Tuwai.pngTuwai Wind 54 47 58 62 45 60 47 373
#131 Tukai.pngTukai Wind Water 75 68 70 53 52 74 75 467
#132 Tulcan.pngTulcan Wind Fire 63 54 65 62 69 75 52 440
#134 Turoc.pngTuroc Wind Earth 101 48 60 75 68 47 45 444
#135 Tuwire.pngTuwire Wind Digital 62 70 66 79 60 60 61 458
#136 Tutsu.pngTutsu Wind Melee 68 56 84 74 63 55 61 461
#137 Kinu.pngKinu Nature Mental 54 69 74 53 46 69 96 461
#138 Vulvir.pngVulvir Fire Earth 59 54 57 47 64 47 31 359
#139 Vulor.pngVulor Fire Earth 65 59 63 49 71 49 32 388
#140 Vulcrane.pngVulcrane Fire Earth 76 65 73 74 86 64 43 481
#141 Pigepic.pngPigepic Wind 54 72 58 65 69 45 69 432
#142 Akranox.pngAkranox Earth Toxic 71 52 71 71 68 71 68 472
#143 Koish (Water).pngKoish (Water) Water 57 61 66 76 68 70 58 456
#144 Vulffy.pngVulffy Earth Nature 56 74 60 39 58 76 85 448
#145 Chubee.pngChubee Digital Wind 64 40 36 30 65 28 65 328
#146 Waspeen.pngWaspeen Digital Crystal 92 64 36 58 80 50 70 450
#147 Mawtle.pngMawtle Digital Nature 62 50 55 32 50 42 60 351
#148 Mawmense.pngMawmense Digital Nature 100 52 41 42 52 56 88 431
#149 Hazrat.pngHazrat Toxic Fire 54 69 78 90 54 57 51 453
#150 Minttle.pngMinttle Mental 39 40 20 50 25 25 25 224
#151 Minox.pngMinox Mental Electric 69 50 60 74 61 35 35 384
#152 Minothor.pngMinothor Mental Electric 80 59 61 86 70 44 49 449
#153 Maoala.pngMaoala Melee Mental 71 70 60 80 61 57 61 460
#154 Venx.pngVenx Neutral 55 51 54 78 78 78 78 472
#155 Venmet.pngVenmet Neutral Melee 72 60 60 78 78 48 52 448
#156 Vental.pngVental Neutral Mental 64 63 74 48 55 78 78 460
#157 Chimurian.pngChimurian Nature Crystal 49 61 84 65 78 37 84 458
#158 Arachnyte.pngArachnyte Neutral Digital 75 61 42 64 60 79 76 457
#159 Thaiko.pngThaiko Digital Melee 50 46 60 36 49 68 41 350
#160 Monkko.pngMonkko Digital Melee 84 55 59 43 71 84 48 444
#161 Anahir.pngAnahir Crystal Fire 54 36 31 50 101 50 101 423
#162 Anatan.pngAnatan Crystal Fire 62 48 32 55 103 45 103 448
#163 Tyranak.pngTyranak Fire Nature 76 48 34 81 71 57 72 439
#164 Volgon.pngVolgon Electric 53 45 83 41 59 110 58 449
#165 Galios.pngGalios Mental Earth 69 80 51 57 65 72 70 464

Unused Temtem designs[edit]

Various unused Temtem designs have been revealed. These designs were discarded or altered in major ways, and will not be added to the game.