Unique Temtem

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Normal (left) and Luma (right)

Luma and Umbra Temtem have different coloration compared to normal Temtem.

Luma Temtem[edit]

Luma Temtem have a Fresnel effect, particle effects, and a bright trail when running in the overworld. Upon entering combat, Luma Temtem emit a bright glow. Luma Temtem have the Luma icon Luma icon.png following their name in combat, and on their portait image of the squad and Temtem details screen.

The chance to encounter a Luma Temtem in the wild is 1 in 2,000. They will always be generated with at least three perfect SVs. The other four stats have a range between 25 and 50. These rules do not apply to bred Luma Temtem which inherit the stats from the parents. With one or two Luma parents, the chance for Luma offspring increases to 1 in 200 and 1 in 20 respectively.[1]

Untamed Temtem with a catch rate of 0, i.e. all third-stage evolutions, cannot be captured and will not appear as Luma. Note that Luma Temtem will also not appear shortly before a server reset or maintenance, from the moment the associated notification icon appears.

Luma Hunting Methods[edit]

Temtem Radars[edit]

Temtem Radars can be bought with Feathers from Tamer's Paradise. Each device targets a specific Temtem evolutionary line, which is indicated on the item tooltip. When activated, up to six Temtem will appear physically in the overworld and approaching them will trigger a battle. Defeat or capture the Temtem of that radar encounter to increase the chain. Running from a Temtem during a radar encounter or catching/defeating a Temtem in a non-radar encounter will break the chain and destroy the radar.

Radars allow for the chaining of Temtem encounters of that species to increase minimum Single Values and Luma chance as seen below:

  • All radar Temtem will have a minimum SV value of 20, 1/2000
  • Reach 100 encounters and all radar Temtem will have a x5 Luma rate multiplier, 1/400
  • Reach 200 and all radar Temtem will have a x10 Luma rate multiplier, 1/200

Note: Temtem Radars break if a luma is found and caught.
Note: Temtem Radars break after 300 encounters and players will need to get a new one.
Note: Luma rates do not receive a multiplier from Umbra radars


Saipark features two Temtem that change each week. These Temtem have an increased Luma chance compared to normal hunting. Once you catch a Luma Temtem in the park (whether it is a featured or native Temtem), no further Luma Temtem will spawn for you until the next weekly reset.
As of Early Access 0.6.15 this chance can be from x2 to x4.

Note: Temtem Radars do not function within, and therefore cannot be stacked with, Saipark.

Umbra Temtem[edit]

Umbra Temtem have a Fresnel effect, particle effects, and a dark trail when running in the overworld. Upon entering combat, Umbra Temtem emit a shadowy smoke. Umbra Temtem have the Umbra icon Umbra icon.png following their name in combat, and on their portait image of the squad and Temtem details screen.

The chance to encounter an Umbra Temtem in the wild is 1 in 20,000, however you must complete Coda: Shadow & Flame for Umbras to spawn. They will always be generated with seven perfect SVs, and all of their species' Egg Technique Courses. These rules also apply to bred Umbra Temtem. Umbra Temtem are infertile and cannot breed, however with one or two Luma parents, the chance for Umbra offspring increases to 1 in 2,000 and 1 in 200 respectively.

Untamed Temtem with a catch rate of 0, i.e. all third-stage evolutions, cannot be captured and will not appear as Umbra. Note that Umbra Temtem will also not appear shortly before a server reset or maintenance, from the moment the associated notification icon appears.

Umbra Hunting Methods[edit]

Umbra Radars[edit]

Umbra Radars can be bought with Luma Drops from Nanto Labs. Each device targets a specific Temtem evolutionary line, which is indicated on the item tooltip. When activated, up to six Temtem will appear physically in the overworld and approaching them will trigger a battle. Defeat or capture the Temtem of that radar encounter to increase the chain. Running from a Temtem during a radar encounter or catching/defeating a Temtem in a non-radar encounter will break the chain and destroy the radar.

Radars allow for the chaining of Temtem encounters of that species to increase Umbra chance as seen below:

  • All radar Temtem will have a x10 Umbra rate multiplier, 1/2000
  • Reach 100 encounters and all radar Temtem will have a x50 Umbra rate multiplier, 1/400
  • Reach 200 and all radar Temtem will have a x100 Umbra rate multiplier, 1/200

Note: Temtem Radars break if an umbra is found and caught.
Note: Umbra Radars break after 300 encounters and players will need to get a new one.
Note: Umbra rates do not receive a multiplier from Temtem radars
Note: Umbra Radars do not function within, and therefore cannot be stacked with, Saipark.

Unique Temtem[edit]

List of Currently available Luma Temtem
No. Name Type(s) Icon Full Render Luma Icon Luma Render Umbra Icon Umbra Render
1 2
#001 Mimit digitalDigital Mimit.png Mimit full render.png LumaMimit.png LumaMimit full render.png UmbraMimit.png UmbraMimit full render.png
#002 Oree digitalDigital Oree.png Oree full render.png LumaOree.png LumaOree full render.png UmbraOree.png UmbraOree full render.png
#003 Zaobian digitalDigital Zaobian.png Zaobian full render.png LumaZaobian.png LumaZaobian full render.png UmbraZaobian.png UmbraZaobian full render.png
#004 Chromeon digitalDigital Chromeon (Digital).png Chromeon full render.png LumaChromeon (Digital).png LumaChromeon full render.png UmbraChromeon (Digital).png File:UmbraChromeon full render.png
#005 Halzhi digitalDigital Halzhi.png Halzhi full render.png LumaHalzhi.png LumaHalzhi full render.png UmbraHalzhi.png UmbraHalzhi full render.png
#006 Molgu digitalDigital Molgu.png Molgu full render.png LumaMolgu.png LumaMolgu full render.png UmbraMolgu.png UmbraMolgu full render.png
#007 Platypet waterWater toxicToxic Platypet.png Platypet full render.png LumaPlatypet.png LumaPlatypet full render.png UmbraPlatypet.png UmbraPlatypet full render.png
#008 Platox waterWater toxicToxic Platox.png Platox full render.png LumaPlatox.png LumaPlatox full render.png UmbraPlatox.png UmbraPlatox full render.png
#009 Platimous waterWater toxicToxic Platimous.png Platimous full render.png LumaPlatimous.png LumaPlatimous full render.png UmbraPlatimous.png UmbraPlatimous full render.png
#010 Swali natureNature Swali.png Swali full render.png LumaSwali.png LumaSwali full render.png UmbraSwali.png UmbraSwali full render.png
#011 Loali natureNature windWind Loali.png Loali full render.png LumaLoali.png LumaLoali full render.png UmbraLoali.png UmbraLoali full render.png
#012 Tateru neutralNeutral Tateru.png Tateru full render.png LumaTateru.png LumaTateru full render.png UmbraTateru.png UmbraTateru full render.png
#013 Gharunder toxicToxic electricElectric Gharunder.png Gharunder full render.png LumaGharunder.png LumaGharunder full render.png UmbraGharunder.png UmbraGharunder full render.png
#014 Mosu meleeMelee Mosu.png Mosu full render.png LumaMosu.png LumaMosu full render.png UmbraMosu.png UmbraMosu full render.png
#015 Magmut meleeMelee fireFire Magmut.png Magmut full render.png LumaMagmut.png LumaMagmut full render.png UmbraMagmut.png UmbraMagmut full render.png
#016 Paharo windWind Paharo.png Paharo full render.png LumaPaharo.png LumaPaharo full render.png UmbraPaharo.png UmbraPaharo full render.png
#017 Paharac windWind Paharac.png Paharac full render.png LumaPaharac.png LumaPaharac full render.png UmbraPaharac.png UmbraPaharac full render.png
#018 Granpah windWind Granpah.png Granpah full render.png LumaGranpah.png LumaGranpah full render.png UmbraGranpah.png UmbraGranpah full render.png
#019 Ampling electricElectric Ampling.png Ampling full render.png LumaAmpling.png LumaAmpling full render.png UmbraAmpling.png UmbraAmpling full render.png
#020 Amphatyr electricElectric natureNature Amphatyr.png Amphatyr full render.png LumaAmphatyr.png LumaAmphatyr full render.png UmbraAmphatyr.png UmbraAmphatyr full render.png
#021 Bunbun earthEarth crystalCrystal Bunbun.png Bunbun full render.png LumaBunbun.png LumaBunbun full render.png UmbraBunbun.png UmbraBunbun full render.png
#022 Mudrid earthEarth crystalCrystal Mudrid.png Mudrid full render.png LumaMudrid.png LumaMudrid full render.png UmbraMudrid.png UmbraMudrid full render.png
#023 Hidody natureNature Hidody.png Hidody full render.png LumaHidody.png LumaHidody full render.png UmbraHidody.png UmbraHidody full render.png
#024 Taifu natureNature Taifu.png Taifu full render.png LumaTaifu.png LumaTaifu full render.png UmbraTaifu.png UmbraTaifu full render.png
#025 Fomu waterWater Fomu.png Fomu full render.png LumaFomu.png LumaFomu full render.png UmbraFomu.png UmbraFomu full render.png
#026 Wiplump waterWater windWind Wiplump.png Wiplump full render.png LumaWiplump.png LumaWiplump full render.png UmbraWiplump.png UmbraWiplump full render.png
#027 Skail neutralNeutral Skail.png Skail full render.png LumaSkail.png LumaSkail full render.png UmbraSkail.png UmbraSkail full render.png
#028 Skunch neutralNeutral meleeMelee Skunch.png Skunch full render.png LumaSkunch.png LumaSkunch full render.png UmbraSkunch.png UmbraSkunch full render.png
#029 Goty neutralNeutral Goty.png Goty full render.png LumaGoty.png LumaGoty full render.png UmbraGoty.png UmbraGoty full render.png
#030 Mouflank neutralNeutral Mouflank.png Mouflank full render.png LumaMouflank.png LumaMouflank full render.png UmbraMouflank.png UmbraMouflank full render.png
#031 Rhoulder neutralNeutral earthEarth Rhoulder.png Rhoulder full render.png LumaRhoulder.png LumaRhoulder full render.png UmbraRhoulder.png UmbraRhoulder full render.png
#032 Houchic mentalMental Houchic.png Houchic full render.png LumaHouchic.png LumaHouchic full render.png UmbraHouchic.png UmbraHouchic full render.png
#033 Tental mentalMental Tental.png Tental full render.png LumaTental.png LumaTental full render.png UmbraTental.png UmbraTental full render.png
#034 Nagaise mentalMental waterWater Nagaise.png Nagaise full render.png LumaNagaise.png LumaNagaise full render.png UmbraNagaise.png UmbraNagaise full render.png
#035 Orphyll natureNature toxicToxic Orphyll.png Orphyll full render.png LumaOrphyll.png LumaOrphyll full render.png UmbraOrphyll.png UmbraOrphyll full render.png
#036 Nidrasil natureNature toxicToxic Nidrasil.png Nidrasil full render.png LumaNidrasil.png LumaNidrasil full render.png UmbraNidrasil.png UmbraNidrasil full render.png
#037 Banapi fireFire Banapi.png Banapi full render.png LumaBanapi.png LumaBanapi full render.png UmbraBanapi.png UmbraBanapi full render.png
#038 Capyre fireFire Capyre.png Capyre full render.png LumaCapyre.png LumaCapyre full render.png UmbraCapyre.png UmbraCapyre full render.png
#039 Lapinite crystalCrystal Lapinite.png Lapinite full render.png LumaLapinite.png LumaLapinite full render.png UmbraLapinite.png UmbraLapinite full render.png
#040 Azuroc crystalCrystal Azuroc.png Azuroc full render.png LumaAzuroc.png LumaAzuroc full render.png UmbraAzuroc.png UmbraAzuroc full render.png
#041 Zenoreth crystalCrystal Zenoreth.png Zenoreth full render.png LumaZenoreth.png LumaZenoreth full render.png UmbraZenoreth.png UmbraZenoreth full render.png
#042 Reval mentalMental Reval.png Reval full render.png LumaReval.png LumaReval full render.png UmbraReval.png UmbraReval full render.png
#043 Aohi mentalMental fireFire Aohi.png Aohi full render.png LumaAohi.png LumaAohi full render.png UmbraAohi.png UmbraAohi full render.png
#044 Bigu natureNature Bigu.png Bigu full render.png LumaBigu.png LumaBigu full render.png UmbraBigu.png UmbraBigu full render.png
#045 Babawa natureNature waterWater Babawa.png Babawa full render.png LumaBabawa.png LumaBabawa full render.png UmbraBabawa.png UmbraBabawa full render.png
#046 0b1 digitalDigital electricElectric 0b1.png 0b1 full render.png Luma0b1.png Luma0b1 full render.png Umbra0b1.png Umbra0b1 full render.png
#047 0b10 digitalDigital electricElectric 0b10.png 0b10 full render.png Luma0b10.png Luma0b10 full render.png Umbra0b10.png Umbra0b10 full render.png
#048 Kaku natureNature Kaku.png Kaku full render.png LumaKaku.png LumaKaku full render.png UmbraKaku.png UmbraKaku full render.png
#049 Saku natureNature windWind Saku.png Saku full render.png LumaSaku.png LumaSaku full render.png UmbraSaku.png UmbraSaku full render.png
#050 Valash neutralNeutral crystalCrystal Valash.png Valash full render.png LumaValash.png LumaValash full render.png UmbraValash.png UmbraValash full render.png
#051 Towly meleeMelee mentalMental Towly.png Towly full render.png LumaTowly.png LumaTowly full render.png UmbraTowly.png UmbraTowly full render.png
#052 Owlhe windWind meleeMelee Owlhe.png Owlhe full render.png LumaOwlhe.png LumaOwlhe full render.png UmbraOwlhe.png UmbraOwlhe full render.png
#053 Barnshe windWind mentalMental Barnshe.png Barnshe full render.png LumaBarnshe.png LumaBarnshe full render.png UmbraBarnshe.png UmbraBarnshe full render.png
#054 Gyalis crystalCrystal meleeMelee Gyalis.png Gyalis full render.png LumaGyalis.png LumaGyalis full render.png UmbraGyalis.png UmbraGyalis full render.png
#055 Occlura crystalCrystal Occlura.png Occlura full render.png LumaOcclura.png LumaOcclura full render.png UmbraOcclura.png UmbraOcclura full render.png
#056 Myx crystalCrystal mentalMental Myx.png Myx full render.png LumaMyx.png LumaMyx full render.png UmbraMyx.png UmbraMyx full render.png
#057 Raiber fireFire Raiber.png Raiber full render.png LumaRaiber.png LumaRaiber full render.png UmbraRaiber.png UmbraRaiber full render.png
#058 Raize fireFire Raize.png Raize full render.png LumaRaize.png LumaRaize full render.png UmbraRaize.png UmbraRaize full render.png
#059 Raican fireFire Raican.png Raican full render.png LumaRaican.png LumaRaican full render.png UmbraRaican.png UmbraRaican full render.png
#060 Pewki waterWater Pewki.png Pewki full render.png LumaPewki.png LumaPewki full render.png UmbraPewki.png UmbraPewki full render.png
#061 Piraniant waterWater Piraniant.png Piraniant full render.png LumaPiraniant.png LumaPiraniant full render.png UmbraPiraniant.png UmbraPiraniant full render.png
#062 Scarawatt electricElectric Scarawatt.png Scarawatt full render.png LumaScarawatt.png LumaScarawatt full render.png UmbraScarawatt.png UmbraScarawatt full render.png
#063 Scaravolt electricElectric fireFire Scaravolt.png Scaravolt full render.png LumaScaravolt.png LumaScaravolt full render.png UmbraScaravolt.png UmbraScaravolt full render.png
#064 Hoglip digitalDigital fireFire Hoglip.png Hoglip full render.png LumaHoglip.png LumaHoglip full render.png UmbraHoglip.png UmbraHoglip full render.png
#065 Hedgine digitalDigital fireFire Hedgine.png Hedgine full render.png LumaHedgine.png LumaHedgine full render.png UmbraHedgine.png UmbraHedgine full render.png
#066 Osuchi earthEarth Osuchi.png Osuchi full render.png LumaOsuchi.png LumaOsuchi full render.png UmbraOsuchi.png UmbraOsuchi full render.png
#067 Osukan earthEarth meleeMelee Osukan.png Osukan full render.png LumaOsukan.png LumaOsukan full render.png UmbraOsukan.png UmbraOsukan full render.png
#068 Osukai earthEarth meleeMelee Osukai.png Osukai full render.png LumaOsukai.png LumaOsukai full render.png UmbraOsukai.png UmbraOsukai full render.png
#069 Saipat waterWater meleeMelee Saipat.png Saipat full render.png LumaSaipat.png LumaSaipat full render.png UmbraSaipat.png UmbraSaipat full render.png
#070 Pycko earthEarth fireFire Pycko.png Pycko full render.png LumaPycko.png LumaPycko full render.png UmbraPycko.png UmbraPycko full render.png
#071 Drakash earthEarth fireFire Drakash.png Drakash full render.png LumaDrakash.png LumaDrakash full render.png UmbraDrakash.png UmbraDrakash full render.png
#072 Crystle crystalCrystal Crystle.png Crystle full render.png LumaCrystle.png LumaCrystle full render.png UmbraCrystle.png UmbraCrystle full render.png
#073 Sherald crystalCrystal Sherald.png Sherald full render.png LumaSherald.png LumaSherald full render.png UmbraSherald.png UmbraSherald full render.png
#074 Tortenite crystalCrystal toxicToxic Tortenite.png Tortenite full render.png LumaTortenite.png LumaTortenite full render.png UmbraTortenite.png File:UmbraTortenite full render.png
#075 Innki electricElectric crystalCrystal Innki.png Innki full render.png LumaInnki.png LumaInnki full render.png UmbraInnki.png UmbraInnki full render.png
#076 Shaolite meleeMelee Shaolite.png Shaolite full render.png LumaShaolite.png LumaShaolite full render.png UmbraShaolite.png UmbraShaolite full render.png
#077 Shaolant meleeMelee Shaolant.png Shaolant full render.png LumaShaolant.png LumaShaolant full render.png UmbraShaolant.png UmbraShaolant full render.png
#078 Cycrox digitalDigital toxicToxic Cycrox.png Cycrox full render.png LumaCycrox.png LumaCycrox full render.png UmbraCycrox.png UmbraCycrox full render.png
#079 Hocus mentalMental Hocus.png Hocus full render.png LumaHocus.png LumaHocus full render.png UmbraHocus.png UmbraHocus full render.png
#080 Pocus mentalMental Pocus.png Pocus full render.png LumaPocus.png LumaPocus full render.png UmbraPocus.png UmbraPocus full render.png
#081 Smolzy electricElectric Smolzy.png Smolzy full render.png LumaSmolzy.png LumaSmolzy full render.png UmbraSmolzy.png UmbraSmolzy full render.png
#082 Sparzy electricElectric Sparzy.png Sparzy full render.png LumaSparzy.png LumaSparzy full render.png UmbraSparzy.png UmbraSparzy full render.png
#083 Golzy electricElectric meleeMelee Golzy.png Golzy full render.png LumaGolzy.png LumaGolzy full render.png UmbraGolzy.png UmbraGolzy full render.png
#084 Mushi toxicToxic Mushi.png Mushi full render.png LumaMushi.png LumaMushi full render.png UmbraMushi.png UmbraMushi full render.png
#085 Mushook toxicToxic meleeMelee Mushook.png Mushook full render.png LumaMushook.png LumaMushook full render.png UmbraMushook.png UmbraMushook full render.png
#086 Magmis fireFire Magmis.png Magmis full render.png LumaMagmis.png LumaMagmis full render.png UmbraMagmis.png UmbraMagmis full render.png
#087 Mastione fireFire waterWater Mastione.png Mastione full render.png LumaMastione.png LumaMastione full render.png UmbraMastione.png UmbraMastione full render.png
#088 Umishi waterWater Umishi.png Umishi full render.png LumaUmishi.png LumaUmishi full render.png UmbraUmishi.png UmbraUmishi full render.png
#089 Ukama waterWater Ukama.png Ukama full render.png LumaUkama.png LumaUkama full render.png UmbraUkama.png UmbraUkama full render.png
#090 Galvanid electricElectric Galvanid.png Galvanid full render.png LumaGalvanid.png LumaGalvanid full render.png UmbraGalvanid.png UmbraGalvanid full render.png
#091 Raignet electricElectric Raignet.png Raignet full render.png LumaRaignet.png LumaRaignet full render.png UmbraRaignet.png UmbraRaignet full render.png
#092 Smazee meleeMelee Smazee.png Smazee full render.png LumaSmazee.png LumaSmazee full render.png UmbraSmazee.png UmbraSmazee full render.png
#093 Baboong meleeMelee Baboong.png Baboong full render.png LumaBaboong.png LumaBaboong full render.png UmbraBaboong.png UmbraBaboong full render.png
#094 Seismunch meleeMelee earthEarth Seismunch.png Seismunch full render.png LumaSeismunch.png LumaSeismunch full render.png UmbraSeismunch.png UmbraSeismunch full render.png
#095 Zizare earthEarth Zizare.png Zizare full render.png LumaZizare.png LumaZizare full render.png UmbraZizare.png UmbraZizare full render.png
#096 Gorong meleeMelee Gorong.png Gorong full render.png LumaGorong.png LumaGorong full render.png UmbraGorong.png UmbraGorong full render.png
#097 Mitty mentalMental Mitty.png Mitty full render.png LumaMitty.png LumaMitty full render.png UmbraMitty.png UmbraMitty full render.png
#098 Sanbi mentalMental Sanbi.png Sanbi full render.png LumaSanbi.png LumaSanbi full render.png UmbraSanbi.png UmbraSanbi full render.png
#099 Momo neutralNeutral Momo.png Momo full render.png LumaMomo.png LumaMomo full render.png UmbraMomo.png UmbraMomo full render.png
#100 Kuri earthEarth Kuri.png Kuri full render.png LumaKuri.png LumaKuri full render.png UmbraKuri.png UmbraKuri full render.png
#101 Kauren earthEarth Kauren.png Kauren full render.png LumaKauren.png LumaKauren full render.png UmbraKauren.png UmbraKauren full render.png
#102 Spriole natureNature Spriole.png Spriole full render.png LumaSpriole.png LumaSpriole full render.png UmbraSpriole.png UmbraSpriole full render.png
#103 Deendre natureNature Deendre.png Deendre full render.png LumaDeendre.png LumaDeendre full render.png UmbraDeendre.png UmbraDeendre full render.png
#104 Cerneaf natureNature Cerneaf.png Cerneaf full render.png LumaCerneaf.png LumaCerneaf full render.png UmbraCerneaf.png UmbraCerneaf full render.png
#105 Toxolotl toxicToxic Toxolotl.png Toxolotl full render.png LumaToxolotl.png LumaToxolotl full render.png UmbraToxolotl.png UmbraToxolotl full render.png
#106 Noxolotl toxicToxic Noxolotl.png Noxolotl full render.png LumaNoxolotl.png LumaNoxolotl full render.png UmbraNoxolotl.png UmbraNoxolotl full render.png
#107 Blooze toxicToxic Blooze.png Blooze full render.png LumaBlooze.png LumaBlooze full render.png UmbraBlooze.png UmbraBlooze full render.png
#108 Goolder toxicToxic Goolder.png Goolder full render.png LumaGoolder.png LumaGoolder full render.png UmbraGoolder.png UmbraGoolder full render.png
#109 Zephyruff toxicToxic windWind Zephyruff.png Zephyruff full render.png LumaZephyruff.png LumaZephyruff full render.png UmbraZephyruff.png UmbraZephyruff full render.png
#110 Volarend toxicToxic windWind Volarend.png Volarend full render.png LumaVolarend.png LumaVolarend full render.png UmbraVolarend.png UmbraVolarend full render.png
#111 Grumvel earthEarth Grumvel.png Grumvel full render.png LumaGrumvel.png LumaGrumvel full render.png UmbraGrumvel.png UmbraGrumvel full render.png
#112 Grumper earthEarth electricElectric Grumper.png Grumper full render.png LumaGrumper.png LumaGrumper full render.png UmbraGrumper.png UmbraGrumper full render.png
#113 Ganki electricElectric windWind Ganki.png Ganki full render.png LumaGanki.png LumaGanki full render.png UmbraGanki.png UmbraGanki full render.png
#114 Gazuma electricElectric windWind Gazuma.png Gazuma full render.png LumaGazuma.png LumaGazuma full render.png UmbraGazuma.png UmbraGazuma full render.png
#115 Oceara waterWater Oceara.png Oceara full render.png LumaOceara.png LumaOceara full render.png UmbraOceara.png UmbraOceara full render.png
#116 Yowlar neutralNeutral Yowlar.png Yowlar full render.png LumaYowlar.png LumaYowlar full render.png UmbraYowlar.png UmbraYowlar full render.png
#117 Droply waterWater earthEarth Droply.png Droply full render.png LumaDroply.png LumaDroply full render.png UmbraDroply.png UmbraDroply full render.png
#118 Garyo waterWater earthEarth Garyo.png Garyo full render.png LumaGaryo.png LumaGaryo full render.png UmbraGaryo.png UmbraGaryo full render.png
#119 Broccoblin natureNature Broccoblin.png Broccoblin full render.png LumaBroccoblin.png LumaBroccoblin full render.png UmbraBroccoblin.png UmbraBroccoblin full render.png
#120 Broccorc natureNature meleeMelee Broccorc.png Broccorc full render.png LumaBroccorc.png LumaBroccorc full render.png UmbraBroccorc.png UmbraBroccorc full render.png
#121 Broccolem natureNature meleeMelee Broccolem.png Broccolem full render.png LumaBroccolem.png LumaBroccolem full render.png UmbraBroccolem.png UmbraBroccolem full render.png
#122 Shuine crystalCrystal waterWater Shuine.png Shuine full render.png LumaShuine.png LumaShuine full render.png UmbraShuine.png UmbraShuine full render.png
#123 Nessla waterWater electricElectric Nessla.png Nessla full render.png LumaNessla.png LumaNessla full render.png UmbraNessla.png UmbraNessla full render.png
#124 Valiar mentalMental Valiar.png Valiar full render.png LumaValiar.png LumaValiar full render.png UmbraValiar.png UmbraValiar full render.png
#125 Pupoise digitalDigital natureNature Pupoise.png Pupoise full render.png LumaPupoise.png LumaPupoise full render.png UmbraPupoise.png UmbraPupoise full render.png
#126 Loatle digitalDigital mentalMental Loatle.png Loatle full render.png LumaLoatle.png LumaLoatle full render.png UmbraLoatle.png UmbraLoatle full render.png
#127 Kalazu waterWater Kalazu.png Kalazu full render.png LumaKalazu.png LumaKalazu full render.png UmbraKalazu.png UmbraKalazu full render.png
#128 Kalabyss waterWater toxicToxic Kalabyss.png Kalabyss full render.png LumaKalabyss.png LumaKalabyss full render.png UmbraKalabyss.png UmbraKalabyss full render.png
#129 Adoroboros toxicToxic mentalMental Adoroboros.png Adoroboros full render.png LumaAdoroboros.png LumaAdoroboros full render.png UmbraAdoroboros.png UmbraAdoroboros full render.png
#130 Tuwai windWind Tuwai.png Tuwai full render.png LumaTuwai.png LumaTuwai full render.png UmbraTuwai.png UmbraTuwai full render.png
#131 Tukai windWind waterWater Tukai.png Tukai full render.png LumaTukai.png LumaTukai full render.png UmbraTukai.png UmbraTukai full render.png
#132 Tulcan windWind fireFire Tulcan.png Tulcan full render.png LumaTulcan.png LumaTulcan full render.png UmbraTulcan.png UmbraTulcan full render.png
#133 Tuvine windWind crystalCrystal Tuvine.png Tuvine full render.png LumaTuvine.png LumaTuvine full render.png UmbraTuvine.png UmbraTuvine full render.png
#134 Turoc windWind earthEarth Turoc.png Turoc full render.png LumaTuroc.png LumaTuroc full render.png UmbraTuroc.png UmbraTuroc full render.png
#135 Tuwire windWind digitalDigital Tuwire.png Tuwire full render.png LumaTuwire.png LumaTuwire full render.png UmbraTuwire.png UmbraTuwire full render.png
#136 Tutsu windWind meleeMelee Tutsu.png Tutsu full render.png LumaTutsu.png LumaTutsu full render.png UmbraTutsu.png UmbraTutsu full render.png
#137 Kinu natureNature mentalMental Kinu.png Kinu full render.png LumaKinu.png LumaKinu full render.png UmbraKinu.png UmbraKinu full render.png
#138 Vulvir fireFire earthEarth Vulvir.png Vulvir full render.png LumaVulvir.png LumaVulvir full render.png UmbraVulvir.png UmbraVulvir full render.png
#139 Vulor fireFire earthEarth Vulor.png Vulor full render.png LumaVulor.png LumaVulor full render.png UmbraVulor.png UmbraVulor full render.png
#140 Vulcrane fireFire earthEarth Vulcrane.png Vulcrane full render.png LumaVulcrane.png LumaVulcrane full render.png UmbraVulcrane.png UmbraVulcrane full render.png
#141 Pigepic windWind Pigepic.png Pigepic full render.png LumaPigepic.png LumaPigepic full render.png UmbraPigepic.png UmbraPigepic full render.png
#142 Akranox earthEarth toxicToxic Akranox.png Akranox full render.png LumaAkranox.png LumaAkranox full render.png UmbraAkranox.png UmbraAkranox full render.png
#143 Koish waterWater Koish (Water).png Koish full render.png LumaKoish (Water).png LumaKoish full render.png UmbraKoish (Water).png File:UmbraKoish full render.png
#144 Vulffy earthEarth natureNature Vulffy.png Vulffy full render.png LumaVulffy.png LumaVulffy full render.png UmbraVulffy.png UmbraVulffy full render.png
#145 Chubee digitalDigital windWind Chubee.png Chubee full render.png LumaChubee.png LumaChubee full render.png UmbraChubee.png UmbraChubee full render.png
#146 Waspeen digitalDigital crystalCrystal Waspeen.png Waspeen full render.png LumaWaspeen.png LumaWaspeen full render.png UmbraWaspeen.png UmbraWaspeen full render.png
#147 Mawtle digitalDigital natureNature Mawtle.png Mawtle full render.png LumaMawtle.png LumaMawtle full render.png UmbraMawtle.png UmbraMawtle full render.png
#148 Mawmense digitalDigital natureNature Mawmense.png Mawmense full render.png LumaMawmense.png LumaMawmense full render.png UmbraMawmense.png UmbraMawmense full render.png
#149 Hazrat toxicToxic fireFire Hazrat.png Hazrat full render.png LumaHazrat.png LumaHazrat full render.png UmbraHazrat.png UmbraHazrat full render.png
#150 Minttle mentalMental Minttle.png Minttle full render.png LumaMinttle.png LumaMinttle full render.png UmbraMinttle.png UmbraMinttle full render.png
#151 Minox mentalMental electricElectric Minox.png Minox full render.png LumaMinox.png LumaMinox full render.png UmbraMinox.png UmbraMinox full render.png
#152 Minothor mentalMental electricElectric Minothor.png Minothor full render.png LumaMinothor.png LumaMinothor full render.png UmbraMinothor.png UmbraMinothor full render.png
#153 Maoala meleeMelee mentalMental Maoala.png Maoala full render.png LumaMaoala.png LumaMaoala full render.png UmbraMaoala.png UmbraMaoala full render.png
#154 Venx neutralNeutral Venx.png Venx full render.png LumaVenx.png LumaVenx full render.png UmbraVenx.png UmbraVenx full render.png
#155 Venmet neutralNeutral meleeMelee Venmet.png Venmet full render.png LumaVenmet.png LumaVenmet full render.png UmbraVenmet.png UmbraVenmet full render.png
#156 Vental neutralNeutral mentalMental Vental.png Vental full render.png LumaVental.png LumaVental full render.png UmbraVental.png UmbraVental full render.png
#157 Chimurian natureNature crystalCrystal Chimurian.png Chimurian full render.png LumaChimurian.png LumaChimurian full render.png UmbraChimurian.png UmbraChimurian full render.png
#158 Arachnyte neutralNeutral digitalDigital Arachnyte.png Arachnyte full render.png LumaArachnyte.png LumaArachnyte full render.png UmbraArachnyte.png UmbraArachnyte full render.png
#159 Thaiko digitalDigital meleeMelee Thaiko.png Thaiko full render.png LumaThaiko.png LumaThaiko full render.png UmbraThaiko.png UmbraThaiko full render.png
#160 Monkko digitalDigital meleeMelee Monkko.png Monkko full render.png LumaMonkko.png LumaMonkko full render.png UmbraMonkko.png UmbraMonkko full render.png
#161 Anahir crystalCrystal fireFire Anahir.png Anahir full render.png LumaAnahir.png LumaAnahir full render.png UmbraAnahir.png UmbraAnahir full render.png
#162 Anatan crystalCrystal fireFire Anatan.png Anatan full render.png LumaAnatan.png LumaAnatan full render.png UmbraAnatan.png UmbraAnatan full render.png
#163 Tyranak fireFire natureNature Tyranak.png Tyranak full render.png LumaTyranak.png LumaTyranak full render.png UmbraTyranak.png UmbraTyranak full render.png
#164 Volgon electricElectric Volgon.png Volgon full render.png LumaVolgon.png LumaVolgon full render.png UmbraVolgon.png UmbraVolgon full render.png
#165 Galios mentalMental earthEarth Galios.png Galios full render.png LumaGalios.png LumaGalios full render.png UmbraGalios.png UmbraGalios full render.png


  • Luma Temtem are inspired by the concept of Shiny Pokémon from the Pokémon franchise.
  • Although the first references to Luma Temtem were in the Founder and Guardian Kickstarter reward tiers, the concept of Luma Temtem was not fully fleshed out until Update #5 was published on the 5th of June, 2018.
  • Prior to Alpha 0.2.3, the chance to encounter a Luma in the wild was 1 in 4,000.[2]
  • As of Alpha 0.2.3, the chance to encounter a Luma in the wild was 1 in 6,000.[3]
  • From Early Access 0.5.12 until Early Access 0.6.12, the chance to encounter a Luma in the wild was 1 in 8,000.
  • From Early Access 0.6.12 until Patch 1.0 the chance to encounter a Luma in the wild is 1 in 10,000.
  • The old Luma Egg Ratio from eggs breed before those changes don't apply anymore. All eggs where both parents are Lumas have a chance of 1 in 75 now.
  • Umbra Temtem were introduced with Patch 1.5.
  • Eggs created before completing Coda: Shadow & Flame cannot hatch into Umbra Temtem.
