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A party trick someone showed you once, involving a Fire Temtem, a log, and a bottle of Quetzaleño Reposado...
Technique Details
Type Fire
Class Physical
Damage 105
STA Cost 27
Hold 0
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Other Target
Synergy Details
Synergy Neutral
Damage 115
Priority 3_High

Quetza-leño is a Physical Fire Technique with a Neutral Synergy. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC028.


Quetza-leño deals damage to a single other target.

If used with a Neutral ally, its damage increases to 115 and priority increases to High.


Technique Course[edit]

No. Temtem TC
#038 Capyre.pngCapyre TC028
#042 Reval.pngReval TC028
#043 Aohi.pngAohi TC028
#059 Raican.pngRaican TC028


  • Referred to as "Quetza" by the Temtem community.

Update History[edit]