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About time you took a little breather! This technique increases SPATK +2 and heals 6% Health.
Technique Details
Type Neutral
Class Status
Damage 0
STA Cost 14
Hold 1
Priority 1_Low
Targeting Self

Refresh is a Status Neutral Technique. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC032.


Refresh gifts the user with SPATK+2 and heals 6% of their maximum HP.


Level up[edit]

No. Temtem Level
#017 Paharac.pngPaharac 41
#018 Granpah.pngGranpah 41

Technique Course[edit]

No. Temtem TC
#004 Chromeon (Digital).pngChromeon TC032
#011 Loali.pngLoali TC032
#020 Amphatyr.pngAmphatyr TC032
#022 Mudrid.pngMudrid TC032
#056 Myx.pngMyx TC032
#075 Innki.pngInnki TC032
#099 Momo.pngMomo TC032

Update History[edit]