Resin Trap

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Resin Trap
Like a mosquito in amber, this technique damages an enemy and leaves it Trapped Condition trapped for 2 turns.
Technique Details
Type Nature
Class Special
Damage 110
STA Cost 28
Hold 1
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Target

Resin Trap is a Special Nature Technique.


Resin Trap deals damage to a single target and inflicts them with the Trapped ConditionTrapped Condition for 2 turns.


Level up[edit]

No. Temtem Level
#004 Chromeon (Nature).pngChromeon 55
#011 Loali.pngLoali 94
#020 Amphatyr.pngAmphatyr 96
#121 Broccolem.pngBroccolem 75
#137 Kinu.pngKinu 74
#147 Mawtle.pngMawtle 45
#148 Mawmense.pngMawmense 45

Update History[edit]