How to play guide for Temtem

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This page will serve as a basic how to play guide for Temtem. While there is very little information available at this time, we urge you to check back often, as new information is being added all the time! Feel free to edit this guide with any tips, tricks, and suggestions.


Since version Early Access 0.6 you may now re-map all controls do your desired buttons. Below are the defaults.


Default PC Controls
Action Keyboard Controller
Move WASD Left Stick
Interact with Person/Object F or Left Mouse Button A
Toggle Menu Tab or Esc Start or LT
Toggle Map M Back
Toggle Inventory Menu I
Toggle Squad Menu U
Toggle Interact Menu O
Toggle Emote Menu Q LB
Notifications Ctrl RT
Show Move Details Z or Right Mouse Button Y
Battle Action Hotkeys
Action Keyboard Controller
Technique One 1 LT+X
Technique Two 2 LT+Y
Technique Three 3 LT+A
Technique Four 4 LT+B
Swap 5 RT+X
Rest 6 RT+Y
Item 7 RT+A
Run 8 RT+B


Nintendo Switch[edit]

Released on Switch

Playstation 5[edit]

Temtem has been released for PS5

Xbox Series X[edit]

Temtem has been released for Xbox Series X/S

Beginner's Guide[edit]


Temtem is a MMORPG Monster Capture game set in the fictional world of the Airborne Archipelago, a diverse collection of six islands orbiting a flaming orb called the PanSun. In this world, humans coexist with Temtem, unique and powerful creatures native to the Archipelago. The game is set in a newly emerging technological era for the Archipelago, where the convenient storage of Temtem, in devices called TemCards, is making Taming and Battling easier than ever before.

The player enters this world on the eve of their apprenticeship to the esteemed Professor Konstantinos, where they are granted their very own Temtem to begin their adventure as a Temtem Tamer. Once received, the player is set free to leave their home town of Zadar and journey through the expansive Archipelago, exploring the world of Temtem and facing whatever challenges that may bring.

The three starter Temtem Houchic, Crystle, and Smazee.

The Islands[edit]

More information can be found here: Airborne Archipelago
The Archipelago is made up of six colossal floating regions, each beautifully diverse in their environments and wildlife, and each home to unique and exciting Temtem species. The player begins their journey on the Mediterranean-esque island of Deniz, and can eventually unlock the ability to journey to other regions throughout the story.

  • Deniz is a paradise of sunny vistas and glistening seas, with numerous towns, forests, ancient ruins and shores to explore. Water and Wind Temtem are commonly found here.
  • Omninesia (”the Myrisles”) is a cluster of rich, tropical islets once ruptured by a cataclysmic event. The lands are shadowed by the infamous Anak volcano. Nature and Fire Temtem are commonly found here.
  • Tucma is a vast desolation of ashes, noxious lakes and rock. Under the surface, the hidden mining city of Quetzal is home to artisans, rock-hoppers, and tradesmen.Toxic and Crystal Temtem are commonly found here.
  • Kisiwa is a sun-drenched savanna made up of wild highlands and sweltering deserts. Here, the united tribes of Kisiwi prove to be honorable and respected hosts, and serve as protectors of the lands. Neutral and Earth Temtem are commonly found here.
  • Cipanku is a domain of mysticism and technology, where the Cipanki people choose between a life of spirituality in their ancient hilltop temples and technological innovation in their urban laboratories.Digital and Electric Temtem are commonly found here.
  • Arbury is a renowned academic site of green hills and plentiful rain. Its university is known to attract Temtem Tamers from across the Archipelago. Melee andMental Temtem are commonly found here.

The Temtem[edit]

This information and more can be found here: Temtem species
Temtem are your faithful partners on your journey through the Archipelago. Players will need to know how to tame, train, and use their Temtem in battle to overcome increasingly challenging scenarios. This section will focus on the many aspects and interactions of Temtem.

Taming Temtem[edit]

Untamed Temtem can be found in many wild places throughout the Archipelago (tall grass, caves, lakes, rivers, and more). When a player encounters an untamed Temtem, the player can attempt to tame it through the use of a TemCard. TemCards have a chance to tame a Temtem, with the exact probability varying depending on the Temtem species; stronger Temtem may require multiple TemCards before being successfully tamed. Dealing damage and inflicting negative Conditions to a Temtem can help increase the chances of a TemCard being successful. See the Combat section of this page for more information on weakening and defeating Temtem.

Types of Temtem[edit]

This information and more can be found here: Types
Temtem are categorised by Types, which interact in various ways in battle. Temtem can have up to two Types, and each region of the Archipelago is abundant in some types over others. The possible types are listed below:

To see the Temtem currently available for each type (also known as Super-order in-game), click on the type links above. For more on how they interact in battle, see the Combat section of this guide.

Temtem Stats[edit]

Example of Stats Display from Game.

This information and more can be found here: Stats
Temtem Stats are seven values that make up a Temtem's overall strength in battle. The higher a given stat, the more proficient the Temtem is in that aspect of battling. The stats are as follows:

  • HP: Health; when this reaches zero, a Temtem is defeated. Health does not regenerate on its own, and requires certain items, abilities, moves or facilities to be restored.
  • STA: Stamina; this enables the Temtem to use Techniques in battle. Each Technique has a stamina cost, with stronger abilities costing more stamina. If a Temtem's available stamina is lower than a used Technique cost, the Temtem will suffer damage relative to the difference and be unable to act next turn. Stamina is partially restored at the start of each turn, and fully restored after a battle.
  • SPD: Speed; this represents how quickly a Temtem can act and establishes the order of actions and move Priorities between Temtem in battle. The higher a Temtem's speed, the more likely it is to be first to act in battle.
  • ATK: Physical Attack; this affects the damage dealt by Physical Techniques when used on enemy Temtem. The greater the value, the more physical damage dealt.
  • DEF: Physical Defence; this affects the damage taken by a Temtem when being attacked by a Physical Technique. The greater the value, the less physical damage taken.
  • SPATK: Special Attack; this affects the damage dealt by Special Techniques when used on enemy Temtem. The greater the value, the more special damage dealt.
  • SPDEF: Special Defence; this affects the damage taken by a Temtem when being attacked by a Special Technique. The greater the value, the less special damage taken.

Growing your Temtem[edit]

Example of Temtem icon with HP, STA, and XP bars.

Temtem grow in strength the more they are used in battle. This is represented in the game as experience (XP), with enough experience granting Temtem additional levels (Lv.). Temtem levels range from 1-100, with each new level granting additional points to a Temtem's Stats.

When an enemy Temtem is defeated, any friendly Temtem that were on the battlefield at the same time as that enemy will be granted experience, even if Temtem were switched with others in the party. This can be used to level up weaker Temtem very quickly. First, put the Temtem you wish to level up in the first or second slot of your party. Then, in battle, immediately swap the weaker Temtem for a stronger one and proceed to defeat the enemies. Both the stronger and weaker Temtem will gain experience.

Temtem Base Stats[edit]

Temtem have seven values known as Base Stats that are specific to each species of Temtem. Base Stats are inherently set for each species of Temtem, and interact with a Temtem's Level, Single Values and Training Values to determine the final stats of any individual Temtem.

Temtem Single Values[edit]

Each individual Temtem has a set of unique stat modifiers known as Single Values, or SVs. SVs can be seen as a Temtem's 'genetics', and serve to differentiate each Temtem in a species. There are seven SVs, one per stat, and each SV can range from 1-50. The greater a SV, the larger the multiplier it has on its corresponding Temtem stat, with an SV of 50 providing the maximum possible increase. SVs interact with Level, Base Stats, and Training Values to determine the final stats of any individual Temtem.

Temtem Training Values[edit]

Whenever a Temtem earns experience in battle, it will receive specific Training Values, or TVs, depending on the Temtem it defeated. TVs are assigned to any one of the seven stats (depending on the Temtem that was defeated) and increasing the amount of TVs in a given stat increases the value of that stat. The total amount of TVs that can be assigned to any one stat is 500 and the total amount of TVs that can be acquired per Temtem is 1000. TVs interact with Level, Base Stats, and SVs to determine the final stats of any individual Temtem.


This information and more can be found here: Combat
Throughout your journey, you will encounter challenges and obstacles that will require success in battle to overcome, your Temtem versus enemy Temtem. In Temtem, battles are turn-based involving two of your own Temtem against one or two enemy Temtem. Each turn, you will select from a set of four Techniques from each of your Temtem in battle that have various effects like damaging a selected enemy Temtem or boosting one of your own Temtem's stats. The battle is concluded when either you or your enemy are out of usable Temtem or, in the case of untamed Temtem battles, all the enemy Temtem on the battlefield are exhausted. This section will give an overview of the various aspects of combat.


An Example Technique with in-game details display with Synergy.

This information and more can be found here: Techniques
Temtem, as they grow in level, learn various Techniques, powerful effects that are used in battle. A Temtem learns many Techniques as it grows under your care, but it can only have four techniques ready for use at any one time. However, these four techniques can be reassigned from all the techniques outside of battle.

Techniques have various characteristics that help differentiate and define them. Below is a list of them, some of which we will discuss more in-depth:

  • Type: Each technique, like Temtem themselves, have a type that interacts with a Temtem's type that increase or decrease the effectiveness and power of a technique.
  • Category: Also known as class, the Techniques category relates to which stats may or may not be used to assign damage for the technique.
  • Damage: Indicative of the overall power of the Technique.
  • Stamina Cost: The amount of Stamina required to perform the technique. This will be the amount the Temtem's stamina is reduced when the technique is used.
  • Hold: Some techniques cannot be used until a specified amount of turns have passed while the Temtem is in battle. This amount of turns is called Hold.
  • Priority: All techniques have a priority indicative of when the technique will be used in a turn. The higher the priority, the more likely the technique will be used earlier. This attribute interacts with the Temtem's speed to determine when it will be used in a turn.
  • Synergy: Some techniques have an additional or boosted effect due to the type of the user's partner Temtem. This is known as Synergy.
Technique Types[edit]

Techniques have only one type that interact with the user's and the receiving enemy's type to increase or decrease the effectiveness of the technique.

When a technique's type matches one of the user's types, the power of the technique is increased by 50% in a mechanic called STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus).

The technique's power changes based on the receiving enemy's type and the technique type in a mechanic called Effectiveness. A table of how effectiveness changes with enemy type and technique type is found below:

Neutral.pngWind.pngEarth.pngWater.pngFire.pngNature.pngElectric.pngMental.pngDigital.pngMelee.pngCrystal.pngToxic.png Defend
0.5x 0.5x 2x
0.5x 0.5x 2x 0.5x 2x 2x
2x 0.5x 2x 0.5x 2x 0.5x
0.5x 0.5x 0.5x 2x 2x
2x 2x 0.5x 0.5x 0.5x
2x 0.5x 2x 0.5x 0.5x 2x 2x 0.5x
2x 2x 0.5x
2x 2x 2x
2x 0.5x 0.5x 2x
0.5x 0.5x 2x 2x
0.5x 2x 2x 0.5x 0.5x 0.5x

Technique Categories[edit]

Techniques can belong to one of three categories, or classes.

  • Physical Physical - damaging techniques powered by the user's ATK stat and reduced by the receiving enemy's DEF stat.
  • Special Special - damaging techniques powered by the user's SPATK stat and reduced by the receiving enemy's SPDEF stat.
  • Status Status - non-damaging techniques that modify battle conditions like lowering stats or inflict conditions such as Sleep.
Technique Hold[edit]
Techniques with various hold values, and various hold remaining.

Hold restricts the use of a technique until a certain amount of turns have passed. Some techniques will have various amounts of hold and the user must wait, from the turn they enter the battle, a number of turns equal to the amount of hold that technique has. Hold also progresses for Temtem not on the field. A technique has visible bars on it that are darkened when there is still hold remaining. When all darkened bars appear brightened, the technique is ready for use. After being used, the hold is reset and the user must wait the amount of hold again to reuse the technique.

Technique Priority[edit]

All techniques have a priority indicative of when the technique will be used in a turn. Technique Priorities have a specific look in the game that differentiates them and different priorities interact with the user's speed in different ways.

  • Very Low0_VeryLow: The effect of Very Low Priority on speed is still unknown.
  • Low1_Low: Low Priority means the technique will be used with half the speed of the user.
  • Normal2_Normal: Normal Priority means the technique will be used with the speed of the user (No effect to the speed stat).
  • High3_High: High Priority means the technique will be used with 1.5x the speed of the user.
  • Very High4_VeryHigh: Very High Priority means the technique will be used with 1.75x the speed of the user.
  • Ultra5_Ultra: The effect of Ultra Priority on speed is still unknown.
Technique Synergy[edit]

Some techniques have a boosted or additional effect due to a mechanic called Synergy. When a technique has synergy, it means that if the partner of the user is a specific type, the technique will have some added effect. An example is shown in the technique details figure above, Aqua Stone is a Water Technique with an Earth synergy. If a Temtem using Aqua Stone is paired with an Earth Temtem, then the technique will have the additional effect of boosted power. Another example is a technique called High-pressure Water, where if the user is paired with a Fire Temtem, the technique also applies a Burned ConditionBurned Condition in addition to its regular effect.

Overexertion and Rest[edit]

Battle techniques use up a Temtem's Stamina based one the technique's stamina cost. When a Temtem uses a technique that costs more stamina than it has remaining, the Temtem overexerts itself. This mechanic refers to a relationship between Stamina and HP.

When a Temtem overexerts itself, the remaining balance of the techniques cost (meaning the cost remaining after it's used up all the remaining stamina) is taken from HP with a scaling factor. What this means is if you have very little stamina left and you use a technique that costs more stamina than what you have, your Temtem will take damage in HP greater than what it would have cost you in stamina if you had it.

However, there is an alternative to this. After each turn, your Temtem will recover a little bit of Stamina without any action from you. But, if you wish to recover additional stamina in a turn, you can command your Temtem to rest that turn. This will mean that your Temtem will take no action other than recovering a great deal more stamina than it would have normally in that turn.


Conditions are passive effects that can be applied to a Temtem through the use of a technique or through the activation of a Trait. There are 14 conditions and each has a different passive effect.


An example of traits activating

This information and more can be found here: Traits
Traits are characteristics of a Temtem species that have some effect in battle. Each species of Temtem have two traits available to them. Most Temtem can have one of two different traits, while some only have one. Temtem can only have either positive or negative traits. When evolving, many Temtem acquire a new set of Traits. The trait of the evolved Temtem will be the one placed in the same Tempedia's slot as the trait of the unevolved Temtem.


This information and more can be found here: Gear
Gear is a category of Items that can be equipped to Temtem and have different applications related to Temtem Battles. Some gear is useful for PvE content, while other gear serves a more competitive purpose. Only one gear can be equipped to a Temtem at any time. Gear cannot be traded, and is not consumed when used.

Stat Modifiers[edit]

Some techniques such as Nimble or traits such as Amphibian adjust your stats during a battle. These modifiers only last until the battle is over, then the stats return to normal. Stat modifiers work on a sliding scale of stages. When a positive or negative modifier is applied the stat stage increase or decrease by the amount dictated. Stats can be adjusted to a minimum of -5 or a maximum of +5. The modifications made are applied to the stat total. Note that, as of Early Access 0.7, SPD has a separate modifier formula to make stat changes less impactful. See the Stats page for full details.

ATK / DEF / SPATK / SPDEF modifier stages
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
2/7 2/6 2/5 2/4 2/3 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 6/2 7/2
29% 33% 40% 50% 66% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% 350%
SPD modifier stages
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
4/9 4/8 4/7 4/6 4/5 4/4 5/4 6/4 7/4 8/4 9/4
44% 50% 57% 66% 80% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 225%


This information and more can be found here: Breeding
Breeding is a common mechanic found in many Monster Capture games. In Temtem, all that is currently known is that breeding will be a means of acquiring perfect temtem, meaning that the SVs for all stats on an individual temtem are at their maximum. This section will cover the various aspects of breeding in Temtem.

Genetic Degradation[edit]

Genetic Degradation is a mechanic that limits a temtem's ability to breed. A temtem will begin, before ever breeding, with a specific amount of fertility. Once a temtem has bred once, it's fertility counter will decrease, and all it's offspring will also reflect this decrease. This will continue with each breeding and eventually the temtem will not be able to breed further. Little is known currently about this mechanic other than it will limit the use of individual temtem for breeding.

Tips and tricks[edit]

See also[edit]