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Kudos are in-game achievements awarded for completing quests or various feats of exploration, combat, taming, or other activities.


Name Description Reward
Kudos Icon.pngFirst Steps Complete the "First Steps" questline. Feathers.png 4
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngAdventure in the Myrisles* Complete the "Adventure in the Myrisles" questline. Feathers.png 4
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngShipwrecked in Tucma!* Complete the "Shipwrecked in Tucma!" questline. Feathers.png 4
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngThe Battle of Kisiwa* Complete the "The Battle of Kisiwa" questline. Feathers.png 4
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngIntrigue in Cipanku* Complete the "Intrigue in Cipanku" questline. Feathers.png 4
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngIn Time For Tea* Complete the "In Time For Tea" questline. Feathers.png 4
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngBelsotos Eat Poop*^ Complete the main questline. Feathers.png 20
Kudos Icon.pngSurfer Get the Surfboard. Feathers.png 4
Kudos Icon.pngSkater Get the Crystal Skates. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon.pngHopper Get the Rock-Hopping Hook. Feathers.png 6
Kudos Icon.pngClimber Get the Gravitonic Piolets. Feathers.png 7
Kudos Icon Group.pngUnstoppable Get all the navigation items. Feathers.png 8
Kudos Icon Group.pngGood Samaritan Complete every side quest. Samaritan title
* indicates a Hidden Kudo.

^ indicates a Steam/PS5 Achievement.


Name Description Reward
Kudos Icon.pngDabmis' Rest^ Successfully interact with the altar at Dabmis' Rest. Feathers.png 12
Kudos Icon.pngInner Flame^ Successfully interact with the altar at Inner Flame. Feathers.png 12
Kudos Icon.pngSons of Crystal^ Successfully interact with the altar at Sons of Crystal. Feathers.png 12
Kudos Icon.pngAisha's Hearth^ Successfully interact with the altar at Aisha's Hearth. Feathers.png 12
Kudos Icon.pngKami Shrine^ Successfully interact with the altar at Kami Shrine. Feathers.png 12
Kudos Icon.pngChieftain's Burrow^ Successfully interact with the altar at Chieftain's Burrow Feathers.png 12
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngAnak Sanctum* Explore and complete the Lair located at the Anak Sanctum. Feathers.png 6
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngHighbelow Sanctum* Explore and complete the Lair located at the Highbelow Sanctum. Feathers.png 6
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngPansun Sanctum* Explore and complete the Lair located at the Pansun Sanctum. Feathers.png 6
Kudos Icon.pngLair Explorer^ Explore and complete a Lair. Feathers.png 25
Kudos Icon Group.pngLair Raider Explore and Complete all Lairs. Sanctum Raider title
Kudos Icon Group.pngExplorer Discover all the areas in the Airborne Archipelago. Feathers.png 20
Kudos Icon Group.pngHoarder^ Have an item 99 times in your backpack. Feathers.png 12
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngPrankster*^ Ring the bell on any elevator. Ding-a-ling bell
Kudos Icon Group.pngNostalgic Complete the sticker album. Nostalgic title
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngLost Clothing* Find the Coward's Cloak gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngLucky Clover* Find the Four-Leaf Clover gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngGains* Find the Proteins gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngDelete This* Find the Eraser gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.png50 SPF* Find the Pansunscreen gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngRip & Tear* Find the Talisman gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngIce Ice Baby* Find the Ice Cube gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngNight Night* Find the Chamomile gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngCan't Touch This* Find the Grease gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngThe Menace* Find the Slingshot gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngDelete That* Find the Eraser+ gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngShocking!* Find the Taser gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngGoing Medieval* Find the Heavy Armor gear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngDetox* Find the Fat Burner gear. Feathers.png 3
* indicates a Hidden Kudo.

^ indicates a Steam/PS5 Achievement.


Name Description Reward
Kudos Icon.pngNew Parent^ Rename a non OT Temtem. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon.pngPowerful Temtem Capture or hatch a Temtem with at least one perfect stat. Feathers.png 6
Kudos Icon.pngGreen Tem Capture or hatch a Temtem with all green stats. Feathers.png 8
Kudos Icon.pngAbsolute Unit^ Capture or hatch a perfect Temtem. Feathers.png 15
Kudos Icon.pngFruiterer^ Perfect a Temtem's TV using fruits. Feathers.png 10
Fruit Blender
Kudos Icon.pngHacker^ Perfect a Temtem's SV using telomere hacks. Feathers.png 15
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngTuwailicious*^ Set your squad with all of Tuwai's evolutions. Feathers.png 8
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngRadiant Family* Set your squad with only Luma Temtem. Feathers.png 20
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngRainbow Squad* Set your squad with all the Temtem types. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon.pngInheritance^ Breed a Temtem with an egg technique. Feathers.png 8
Kudos Icon.pngFull Potential^ Get a level 100 Temtem with all perfected stats, fully TV trained, and including all egg techniques in its learnset. Feathers.png 15
Kudos Icon.pngCan't Wait^ Instantly hatch a Temtem using an Incubator Ticket. Feathers.png 10
Kudos Icon.pngGear Up!^ Equip a gear item to a Temtem. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon.pngTechniques 101^ Teach a Technique Course to a Temtem. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngOuch* Release a Luma Temtem. Cry emote
Kudos Icon.pngSoulbound Use a Soulbinder on a Temtem. Soulmate title
* indicates a Hidden Kudo.

^ indicates a Steam/PS5 Achievement.


Name Description Reward
Kudos Icon Group.pngIndecisive^ Capture or hatch each starter Temtem. Feathers.png 25
Kudos Icon Group.pngApprentice Tamer Capture, evolve, or hatch 20 different Temtem species. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon Group.pngIntermediate Tamer Capture, evolve, or hatch 50 different Temtem species. Feathers.png 10
Kudos Icon Group.pngAdvanced Tamer Capture, evolve, or hatch 100 different Temtem species. Feathers.png 15
Kudos Icon Group.pngBack to the Roots^ Capture, evolve, or hatch 151 different Temtem species. Feathers.png 25
Kudos Icon Group.pngCollector^ Capture, evolve, or hatch all the different Temtem species. Temtem Collector title
Kudos Icon.pngBlin Blin^ Capture, evolve, or hatch a Luma Temtem. Feathers.png 40
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngGloom Gloom Capture, or hatch an Umbra Temtem. Umbra Maven title
^ indicates a Steam Achievement.


Name Description Reward
Kudos Icon.pngNeighbor Get your own house at Atoll Row. Feathers.png 40
Kudos Icon Group.pngInterior Designer^ Decorate your house with at least 20 different items of furniture. Volgon knit carpet
Kudos Icon.pngSociable Tamer Join or create a Temtem club. Feathers.png 30
Kudos Icon Group.pngFashionista^ Obtain 20 different clothing items. Feathers.png 20
Kudos Icon.pngTrendsetter!^ Wear a fully dyed non-starting clothing item in each slot. Feathers.png 20
Kudos Icon.pngTrendsetter?^ Wear a fully dyed non-starting clothing item in each slot, without repeating any dye. Feathers.png 30
Kudos Icon.pngNevermind Dress yourself with nothing but your underwear. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Group.pngFlashmob Dance next to two other dancing players. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon.pngDojo War Rookie Participate in a Dojo War. Feathers.png 20
Kudos Icon.pngLet Me In Gain access to a Dojo Park Feathers.png 15
Kudos Icon.pngWhat Are You Buying? Complete a trade with another player. Feathers.png 4
^ indicates a Steam/PS5 Achievement.


Name Description Reward
Kudos Icon.pngSophia^ Defeat Sophia in a Dojo Leader rematch. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon.pngRawiri^ Defeat Rawiri in a Dojo Leader rematch. Feathers.png 6
Kudos Icon.pngTihani^ Defeat Tihani in a Dojo Leader rematch. Feathers.png 7
Kudos Icon.pngYareni^ Defeat Yareni in a Dojo Leader rematch. Feathers.png 8
Kudos Icon.pngMusa^ Defeat Musa in a Dojo Leader rematch. Feathers.png 9
Kudos Icon.pngDr. Sasaya^ Defeat Dr. Sasaya in a Dojo Leader rematch. Feathers.png 10
Kudos Icon.pngMurdag^ Defeat Murdag in a Dojo Leader rematch. Feathers.png 11
Kudos Icon.pngPercival^ Defeat Percival in a Dojo Leader rematch. Feathers.png 15
Kudos Icon Group.pngI'm the Leader^ Defeat all Dojo Leaders in rematches. Dojo Master Rematch Trophy
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngEndaira's Chosen Defeat the Archtamers Endaira's Chosen title
Kudos Icon.pngI'm in Danger^ Complete the classificatory rounds by playing 10 ranked competitive matches. Feathers.png 80
^ indicates a Steam/PS5 Achievement.


Name Description Reward
Kudos Icon.pngActivist^ Complete all the FreeTem tiers in one week. Feathers.png 20
Kudos Icon.pngSaipark Scout^ Capture one of the two available Temtem species at Saipark. Feathers.png 10
Kudos Icon.pngRider^ Complete three food parcel deliveries in the same day. Feathers.png 8
Kudos Icon Group.pngRadar Expert^ Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a radar. Feathers.png 20
Kudos Icon.pngFisher^ Show a 5/5 Koish before showing a 4/5. Adorably Whimsical curls
Ready Explorer outfit
Kudos Icon.pngDenizan Wishes Drop a WishYouWell coin in the Denizan well. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngOmninesian Wishes Drop a WishYouWell coin in the Omninesian well. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngTucmani Wishes Drop a WishYouWell coin in the Tucmani well. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngKisiwan Wishes Drop a WishYouWell coin in the Kisiwan well. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngCipanki Wishes Drop a WishYouWell coin in the Cipanki well. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngArburian Wishes Drop a WishYouWell coin in the Arburian well. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Group.pngFeeling Lucky^ Drop a WishYouWell coin in each well. Toss a Coin emote
Kudos Icon.pngJust Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Neutral-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngLight Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Wind-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngHard Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Earth-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngWet Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Water-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngHot Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Fire-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngFloral Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Nature-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngSparky Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Electric-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngPsy Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Mental-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngElectro-Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Digital-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngRude Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Melee-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngSpiky Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Crystal-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon.pngVenomous Koish Capture and show a 5/5 Toxic-type Koish. Feathers.png 3
Kudos Icon Group.pngFishmonger Capture and show each 5/5 Koish type. Koish Fishing Trophy
Kudos Icon.pngRookie^ Participate in a Temtem tournament. Feathers.png 10
Kudos Icon.pngTemtem Up!^ Win a ranked battle. Feathers.png 15
Kudos Icon.pngSafari Trip Complete a successful run in the TemSafari. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon.pngNeverending Story Complete a successful run in the Evershifting Tower. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon.pngEggs Galore Complete a successful run in the DigiLair. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon.pngAnother One Complete a successful run in the GritArena. Feathers.png 5
Kudos Icon.pngI Choose You Complete a successful run in the DraftArena. Feathers.png 5
^ indicates a Steam/PS5 Achievement.


Name Description Reward
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngAnak Sanctum Expert* Explore and complete the Lair located at the Anak Sanctum with a 3-player party. Feathers.png 40
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngHighbelow Sanctum Expert* Explore and complete the Lair located at the Highbelow Sanctum with a 3-player party. Feathers.png 40
Kudos Icon Hidden.pngPansun Sanctum Expert* Explore and complete the Lair located at the Pansun Sanctum with a 3-player party. Feathers.png 40
Kudos Icon.pngElite Lair Explorer^ Explore and complete a Lair with a 3-player party. Feathers.png 80
Kudos Icon Group.pngElite Lair Raider Explore and complete all Lairs with a 3-player party. Temtyrolean hat
Temtyrolean hat long hair
Trendy Explorer outfit
Kudos Icon Group.pngGlossy Tempedia Capture, evolve, or hatch 20 different Temtem species in their Luma form. Feathers.png 100
Kudos Icon Group.pngBright Tempedia Capture, evolve, or hatch 50 different Temtem species in their Luma form. Feathers.png 600
Kudos Icon Group.pngShiny Tempedia Capture, evolve, or hatch 100 different Temtem species in their Luma form. Best of Luma (Lumalike) dye bundle
Kudos Icon Group.pngLumapedia1 Capture, evolve, or hatch all the different Temtem species in their Luma form. Luma Mogul title
Kudos Icon Group.pngArchtamer Obtained all Temtem Kudos. Archtamer title
Kudos Icon Group.pngGemtastic Explore and complete a Lair while obtaining at least 40 gems. 0% Soulbound title
Kudos Icon.pngGearless Defeat the Archtamers while using a pro squad with no gears. TBC
Kudos Icon Group.pngHolo Picnic Gain access to all Dojo Parks during a week. Feathers.png 150
Kudos Icon.pngSophia+ Defeat Sophia in a Dojo Leader rematch while having a pro squad with all Tems sharing one type. Feathers.png 80
Kudos Icon.pngRawiri+ Defeat Rawiri in a Dojo Leader rematch while having a pro squad with all Tems sharing one type. Feathers.png 80
Kudos Icon.pngTihani+ Defeat Tihani in a Dojo Leader rematch while having a pro squad with all Tems sharing one type. Feathers.png 80
Kudos Icon.pngYareni+ Defeat Yareni in a Dojo Leader rematch while having a pro squad with all Tems sharing one type. Feathers.png 80
Kudos Icon.pngMusa+ Defeat Musa in a Dojo Leader rematch while having a pro squad with all Tems sharing one type. Feathers.png 80
Kudos Icon.pngDr. Sasaya+ Defeat Sasaya in a Dojo Leader rematch while having a pro squad with all Tems sharing one type. Feathers.png 80
Kudos Icon.pngMurdag+ Defeat Murdag in a Dojo Leader rematch while having a pro squad with all Tems sharing one type. Feathers.png 80
Kudos Icon.pngPercival+ Defeat Percival in a Dojo Leader rematch while having a pro squad with all Tems sharing one type. Feathers.png 80
Kudos Icon Group.pngOP Win 50 ranked battles while having any Gold rank or higher. OP Seal
Kudos Icon Group.pngMind Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Houchic radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngCrystal Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Crystle radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngBrawl Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Smazee radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngMetamimetic Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Tuwai radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngSerbatiyo Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Oceara radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngSpirit Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Kinu radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngPurified Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Shuine radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngSavannah Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Rhoulder radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngCold Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Yowlar radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngElusive Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Innki radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngSewer Hunter Complete the 300 encounters successfully in a Gharunder radar. Feathers.png 180
Kudos Icon Group.pngTemSafari Virtuoso Complete a successful run in the TemSafari while defeating at least 60 untamed Tems. TemSafari banner
Kudos Icon.pngEvershifting Tower Virtuoso Complete a successful run in the Evershifting Tower in less than 50 minutes. EvershiftingTower banner
Kudos Icon.pngDigiLair Virtuoso Complete a DigiLair run with enough difficulty to obtain 110 feathers. DigiLair banner
Kudos Icon.pngGritArena Virtuoso Complete a successful run in the GritArena while defeating at least 5 Holo Tamers. GritArena banner
Kudos Icon.pngDraftArena Virtuoso Complete a successful run in the DraftArena while defeating at least 9 Holo Tamers. DraftArena banner
Kudos Icon.pngSpeedrun Master Complete a Speedrun Challenge run. Feathers.png 1200
Kudos Icon.pngNuzlocke Master Complete a Nuzlocke Challenge run. Feathers.png 1800
Kudos Icon.pngRandomlocke Master Complete a Randomlocke Challenge run. Feathers.png 1500
Kudos Icon.pngRandomized Master Complete a Randomized Challenge run. Feathers.png 1350
* indicates a Hidden Kudo.

^ indicates a Steam/PS5 Achievement.
1 only counts the first 160 Tempedia entries.

Steam/PS5/Xbox Series XS Achievements[edit]

Name Description
Sophia Kudo.pngSophia Defeat Sophia in a Dojo Leader rematch.
Rawiri Kudo.pngRawiri Defeat Rawiri in a Dojo Leader rematch.
Tihani Kudo.pngTihani Defeat Tihani in a Dojo Leader rematch.
Yareni Kudo.pngYareni Defeat Yareni in a Dojo Leader rematch.
Musa Kudo.pngMusa Defeat Musa in a Dojo Leader rematch.
Dr. Sasaya Kudo.pngDr. Sasaya Defeat Dr. Sasaya in a Dojo Leader rematch.
Murdag Kudo.pngMurdag Defeat Murdag in a Dojo Leader rematch.
Percival Kudo.pngPercival Defeat Percival in a Dojo Leader rematch.
I'm the leader Kudo.pngI'm the leader Defeat all Dojo Leaders in rematches.
Belsotos Eat Poop Kudo.pngBelsotos Eat Poop* Complete the main questline.
Dabmis' Rest Kudo.pngDabmis' Rest Successfully interact with the altar at Dabmis' Rest.
Inner Flame Kudo.pngInner Flame Successfully interact with the altar at Inner Flame.
Sons of Crystal Kudo.pngSons of Crystal Successfully interact with the altar at Sons of Crystal.
Aisha's Hearth Kudo.pngAisha's Hearth Successfully interact with the altar at Aisha's Hearth.
Kami Shrine Kudo.pngKami Shrine Successfully interact with the altar at Kami Shrine.
Chieftain's Barrow Kudo.pngChieftain's Barrow Successfully interact with the altar at Chieftain's Barrow.
Lair Explorer Kudo.pngLair Explorer Explore and complete a Lair.
Elite Lair Explorer Kudo.pngElite Lair Explorer Explore and complete a Lair with a 3-player party.
Indecisive Kudo.pngIndecisive Capture or hatch each starter Temtem.
Interior Designer Kudo.pngInterior Designer Decorate your house with at least 20 different items of furniture.
I'm in Danger Kudo.pngI'm in Danger Complete the classificatory rounds by playing 10 ranked competitive matches.
Fashionista Kudo.pngFashionista Obtain 20 different clothing items.
Trendsetter! Kudo.pngTrendsetter! Wear a fully dyed clothing item in each slot.
Trendsetter? Kudo.pngTrendsetter? Wear a fully dyed clothing item in each slot, without repeating any dye.
Back to the Roots Kudo.pngBack to the Roots Capture, evolve, or hatch 151 different Temtem species.
Collector Kudo.pngCollector Capture, evolve, or hatch all the different Temtem species.
Hoarder Kudo.pngHoarder Have an item 99 times in your backpack.
New Parent Kudo.pngNew Parent Rename a non OT Temtem.
Activist Kudo.pngActivist Complete all the FreeTem tiers in one week.
Saipark Scout Kudo.pngSaipark Scout Capture one of the two available Temtem species at Saipark.
Rider Kudo.pngRider Complete three food parcel deliveries in the same day.
Radar Expert Kudo.pngRadar Expert Complete the 400 encounters successfully in a radar.
Fisher Kudo.pngFisher Show a 5/5 Koish before showing a 4/5.
Feeling Lucky Kudo.pngFeeling Lucky Drop a WishYouWell Coin in each well.
Absolute Unit Kudo.pngAbsolute Unit Capture or hatch a perfect Temtem.
Fruiterer Kudo.pngFruiterer Perfect a Temtem's TV using fruits.
Hacker Kudo.pngHacker Perfect a Temtem's SV using telomere hacks.
Blin Blin Kudo.pngBlin Blin Capture, evolve, or hatch a Luma Temtem.
Tuwailicious Kudo.pngTuwailicious* Set your squad with all of Tuwai's evolutions.
Prankster Kudo.pngPrankster* Ring the bell on any elevator.
Inheritance Kudo.pngInheritance Breed a Temtem with an egg technique.
Full Potential Kudo.pngFull Potential Get a level 100 Temtem with all perfected stats, fully TV trained, and including all egg techniques in its learnset.
Can't Wait Kudo.pngCan't Wait Instantly hatch a Temtem using an Incubator Ticket.
Rookie Kudo.pngRookie Participate in a Temtem tournament.
Temtem Up! Kudo.pngTemtem Up! Win a ranked battle.
Techniques 101 Kudo.pngTechniques 101 Teach a Technique Course to a Temtem.
Gear Up! Kudo.pngGear Up! Equip a gear item to a Temtem.
* indicates a Hidden Achievement.


These Kudos have been removed from the game and are no longer obtainable or viewable in game, even if unlocked before they were removed. They are not required for completing the Archtamer kudo. Players who had achieved these Kudos before removal kept the rewards.

Name Description Reward Category
Kudos Icon.pngChampion Win a Temtem tournament. Feathers.png 600 Elite
Kudos Icon.pngDojo War Champion Win a Dojo War with your club. Dojo Warrior title Elite