Stone Ball

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Stone Ball
The bane of exploring archaeologists, this is a mighty Earth technique.
Technique Details
Type Earth
Class Physical
Damage 120
STA Cost 32
Hold 0
Priority 1_Low
Targeting Single Target
Synergy Details
Used in combination with a Digital ally, that flaming ball Burned Condition Burns for 1 turn.
Synergy Digital
Effects 1 Turn Burned ConditionBurned

Stone Ball is a Physical Earth Technique with a Digital Synergy.


Stone Ball deals damage to a single target.

If used with a Digital ally, it also inflicts the Burned ConditionBurned Condition for 1 turn.


Level up[edit]

No. Temtem Level
#021 Bunbun.pngBunbun 56
#022 Mudrid.pngMudrid 56
#031 Rhoulder.pngRhoulder 50
#095 Zizare.pngZizare 90
#134 Turoc.pngTuroc 52
#139 Vulor.pngVulor 41
#140 Vulcrane.pngVulcrane 41

Update History[edit]