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The Jewel of Tucma
Connected Areas Nahua Crater
Quetzal Dojo
Gardens of Aztlan
Mines of Mictlan
Island Tucma

Quetzal is a large mining and manufacturing city, and the only city on Tucma, one of the islands in Temtem. Residents of Quetzal are known as Quetzaleño's, but are also pejoratively called "mine-worms" by the bandits that live on Tucma's surface.


The beautiful city of Quetzal is illuminated by various crystal lights. The city is built on a series of platforms and walkways that span a massive cavern underneath the surface of the island. In addition to acting as the city's lampposts, crystals also protrude from the ground, and are embedded in trees that decorate several pathways in the city.

Points of Interest[edit]


Quetzal's Temporium, like other Temporiums, sells a variety of items, as well as including healing stations and Temdecks to access stored Temtem.

UI-Map Icon Temporium.png Quetzal Temporium
Smoke Bomb.png
120 Pansuns.png
Super Scent.png
320 Pansuns.png
325 Pansuns.png
300 Pansuns.png
Power Revive.png
700 Pansuns.png
500 Pansuns.png
350 Pansuns.png
150 Pansuns.png
120 Pansuns.png
80 Pansuns.png

Quetzal Dojo[edit]

The UI-Map Icon Dojo04.png Quetzal Dojo is led by Yareni Yareni and focuses on Toxic and Crystal type Temtem.

Airship Terminal[edit]

The UI-Map Icon NarwhalRight.png Airship Terminal houses all incoming and outgoing airships. Until the quest Beached Narwhal is completed, the terminal is unusable by the player; afterwards, it can be used to fly by airship to earlier areas in the game. Kisiwa cannot be accessed by airship until the quest The Battle of Kisiwa is completed.

Paktli's Boudoir[edit]

Paktli's Boudoir is a Boutique located in the north of the town near the road to the Dojo.

UI-Map Icon Boutique.png Paktli's Boudoir
Dye Bundles

Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies[edit]

Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies is a gear shop located at the north of the town, at the right corner of the path leading to the Dojo. All items in the shop can only be purchased once. In the quest The Hunt for Captain Malika, it is revealed that Akatzin is secretly a fence, selling stolen goods on behalf of people like Captain Malika.

UI-Map Icon GearStore.png Akatzin's Tamer's Supplies
Calm Patch.png
3,399 Pansuns.png
Clumsy Patch.png
3,399 Pansuns.png
Fatigue Patch.png
3,399 Pansuns.png
Humble Patch.png
3,399 Pansuns.png
Lazy Patch.png
3,399 Pansuns.png
Oblivion Patch.png
3,399 Pansuns.png
Soft Patch.png
3,399 Pansuns.png
Stiff Patch.png
3,399 Pansuns.png
Strange Vest.png
5,499 Pansuns.png
Straw Shield.png
5,999 Pansuns.png

Jaguar Lounge[edit]

A well-known tavern in Queztal, ran by Yela, and a good place for mushroom stew and a glass of Quetzaleño Reposado. Several Tucmani drinking songs, including the infamous "One-hundred Temessence Vials," commonly wail through the building.

Smiths' Guild[edit]

The Smith's Guild is responsible for most of the metalworking on all six islands. Guildmaster Jatziri is the current guildmaster who oversees the guild's contracts. It makes Tucma's jewelry, famous throughout the Archipelago, and other local handcrafts. Most metals come from Tucmani ore, from kitchen spoons to construction beams.

Seedstone Square[edit]

In the center of town, Seedstone Square is the location of the Seed Stone, a giant crystal protruding up from the center of the island. It is said that the stone is where all Crystal Temtem originate.

Quetzal Trading House[edit]


Obsidian Furniture[edit]

This store sells furniture that can be used in Housing.

UI-Map Icon Furniture.png Obsidian Furniture
Wall Texture
Floor Texture
Mictlan carpet.png
9,000 Pansuns.png


Quetzal's Water Supply[edit]

The manner by which Quetzal collects its fresh water is an important but complicated matter. After all, the Xolot Reservoir is completely undrinkable. In order to remain hydrated, the city relies on a complex natural filtration system. Over the course of months, the xolotic water drips down through the rocks, and by the time it reaches the city, it has become purified. However, the system is dangerous. With the slightest shift in the earth, the water may begin to move down too fast and remain toxic by the time it reaches the bottom. In order to stabilize such a delicate but life-determining process, Dr. Sugey's team has been researching the soil and the river to come up with alternatives.


  • A quetzal is a bird from Central America.
  • Despite the exterior of the Quetzal Trading House being reworked with the release of Arbury, its appearance on maps has not changed, making it possible for players to seemingly stand inside the building's footprint on the minimap.

